Digital maturity: Ministry of Health will continue to evaluate the quality of the recording to the doctor


The priority task facing the Russian Ministry of Health this year in the context of informatization is to monitor the quality of recording to the doctor and identifying those medical organizations that for some reason do not cope with this work. By 2024, the proportion of entries to the doctor, perfect remote, should be 63%. The Deputy Minister of Health, Pavel Pugachev, was told on this during the ICT ICT conference.

Top digital maturity

In 2020, the Ministry of Health for the first time had evaluated the digital maturity of the subjects. The rating was developed following the implementation of the federal project "Creating a single digital contour in health care based on a unified state information system in the field of health care." It consists of several parameters: the readiness of the infrastructure at the region level and the medical organizations themselves, interaction with the federal components of the ECMI, the introduction of centralized subsystems, the provision of electronic services in the Personal Cabinet "My Health" on the Public Services portal and interdepartmental interaction, in particular, the direction for medical Social examination of persons with disabilities. Thus, a pilot rating was formed.

Digital maturity: Ministry of Health will continue to evaluate the quality of the recording to the doctor 5092_1

Tula, Tambov, Leningrad, Belgorod, Kirovskaya, Sakhalin, Penza region, the Republic of Chuvashia, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Altai Territory were among the leaders. In the top ten, Ivanovo region, Primorsky Krai, Sverdlovskaya, Vologda, Omsk, Rostov region, Kamchatsky, Stavropol Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Crimea were included in the top ten. Rating data voiced by Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko during the meeting with the heads of digital transformation of federal ministries and departments, regional authorities, which took place in mid-February.

Vice Prime Minister noted:

Analysis of the work done in subjects in the rating format will be based on the strategy of digital transformation of healthcare. The results will bring to the governors and at one of the meetings we will discuss the reasons for low indicators in order to quickly find solutions and eliminate flaws.

It was also announced that by April 2021 the index of the digital maturity of the regions on the results of the first quarter will be calculated.

The main thing is the result

Last year, about 60 million Russians used the electronic recording service to the doctor. But, unfortunately, not all of these times were successful, recognized Pugachev during the ICT conference in health care.

"The priority task facing us this year is to monitor the quality of recording to the doctor and identifying those medical organizations that for some reason do not cope with this work," said Deputy Minister.

Based on this, last year a change in the federal project "Creating a single digital contour in health care based on EMIS" was made. Three new important indicators appeared: the share of records for receiving a doctor, perfect remotely, the share of Eugene users who are available to electronic medical documents in the My Health Personal Account and the share of medical care cases for which electronic documents are provided in the EMIS subsistence.

As can be seen from the deputy minister's presentation, the industry agency made a bet on a socially significant result - the availability of digital services to citizens, shifting emphasis on the number of medical organizations that provide these services.

According to the project, by 2024, electronic documents in the EMIS subsystem will be provided for 100% of the provision of medical care. The share of Russians who are available to electronic medical documents in the Personal Account "My Health" - to the same period should reach 80%. The share of citizens who used the services in the Patient's Personal Account, from 2021 to 2024 should increase twice - from 18 to 38%. The share of entries to the doctor, perfect remote, should be 63%.

Digital maturity: Ministry of Health will continue to evaluate the quality of the recording to the doctor 5092_2

To the question of how justified the transition to an electronic entry for a reception to a doctor, to take into account that the closest free "window" is usually in a month or so, the deputy minister stressed: an electronic record allows you to assess the availability of medical care and get feedback.

Pugachev commented:

When writing to vaccination, for example, a citizen can either sign up for free slots, or - in their absence - to stand in the waiting list. The number of people in these sheets shows us a shortage and deferred demand for which we react. So this is one of the tools for managing the quality of medical care. If the man came to the registry with his legs, we do not know, he wrote down or not, after what time he would take it.

Previously, at a meeting with the heads of digital transformation, the deputy minister said that "requires restructuring of the existing architecture of this service to trace the further path of the patient after recording: a visit to the medical organization, accounting for assistance and preparation of documents after receiving, assessing the quality of the received service on the portal or In the mobile application "My Health". According to him, it will require building a completely different level of business processes and will stimulate the digital transformation of medical care.

Digital maturity: Ministry of Health will continue to evaluate the quality of the recording to the doctor 5092_3

My health in your pocket

The launch of the Mobile Application "My Health" is practically completed. The Ministry of Digital Development has already filed an application for publishing an App Store. It will be a separate mobile application in which citizens will be available all the possibilities in the field of digital health. Currently, all this will be launched in three subjects: Moscow, Belgorod regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan. Further, Vladimir, Kaluga and Rostov region will join them, and during the year these services will be experienced in other entities.

The formation of the federal register of citizens of the preferential category ends, Pugachev continued:

We will be able to inform citizens to EGU about those benefits that they are put on, forming electronic recipes for drugs to provide information, where they can get these drugs. We have a rather large number of citizens of preferential categories, and the creation of services for them is a priority for us. "

In 2021, the Ministry of Health plans to conduct procurement of medical products based on the register information. The formation of applications for the supply of medical products will occur on the basis of information on the needs (planned, actual, projected), balances and planned supplies. The plans for this year - to integrate with GIS subjects and establish an automated transmission of information about the benefits appointed / produced by it products, purchases of drugs.

Pugachev summarized:

As Vaccination from COVID-19 showed, Russians have a big commitment to digital services and care for their health. Many are eliminating the possibility of an electronic diary of self-surveillance, which makes it possible to receive feedback and improve the quality of medical care. In Europe, the possibility of making an electronic certificate about the passage of vaccination is being worked out, and we have already implemented this functionality and is accessible to citizens.

Text prepared Ekaterina Pogontseva

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