How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters


At the end of the work at Microsoft Office Excel, users have a need to print the document. The tools built into the program allow you to print the table entirely on the A4 sheet. However, this will require a number of manipulations that will be discussed in this article.

Setting up Parameters Page

First of all, you must check the settings for the current working sheet and change them if necessary. There are several such parameters in Excel, for a complete understanding of the topic, it is necessary to consider in detail each of them.

How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_1
Path to the "Page Parameters" window. The algorithm is relevant to all versions of Excel tabs

This is the interface from above the program window. Some of its items will have to use when setting the sheet parameters.


To check the orientation of the sheet and adjust it, it is necessary to do the following actions on the algorithm:

  1. Switch to the "Page Markup" tab at the top of Microsoft Excel.
  2. At the bottom of the partition to find the page "Page Settings" and click on the elder, located in the right corner. The corresponding window should open.
  3. Move to the "Page" section to make the appropriate settings.
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_2
Actions that need to be executed in the "Page" section to place the table on one work sheet

When printing tables in Excel, it is important to consider the field size. This is the distance that is withstanding from the edge of the leaf before the start of the text. Check the values ​​displayed for fields as follows:

  1. According to the same scheme discussed in the previous paragraph, move to the section "Page Markup" on top of the program, and then click LKM on the "Page Settings" button.
  2. In a familiar window, which will be displayed after performing these manipulations, you need to go to the "Fields" tab.
  3. This section of the user is interested in the item "Center on Pages". Depending on the orientation of the sheet here you need to put a tick or opposite the field "vertically" or next to the value "horizontally".
  4. Change the values ​​of the top and bottom footer if necessary. However, this can not be done at this stage.
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_3
Change the values ​​of the upper and footer in the fields tab. It is also recommended to use the sheet centering function.

This is the last tab in the page "Page Settings", which is responsible for the quality of the printed documents. In this section, you can specify one of the types of printing: the grid, black and white, rough, string headers and columns. It is also possible to specify only a part of the table for printing if the whole plate is not placed on one sheet by writing the desired dimensions in the "Print the range" row.

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Appearance Subsection "Sheet" In the "Page Parameters" window of footers

These are certain areas of the document that will be automatically printed on each piece. Reduced the value of footers, the user frees the additional space on the work sheet, which will help to highlight the sign. To completely remove through inscriptions from all the documents that will appear when printing, you must act according to the instructions:

  1. Go to the "Page Markup" tab on top of the main menu of the program.
  2. Press once on the "Page Settings" button.
  3. Click on the word "footers" in the upper interface graph displayed windows.
  4. In the fields "Upper footer" and "footer" set the value "(no)" to completely exclude through the inscriptions.
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Turning off the heads in the appropriate subsection

When the user exhibit all the necessary parameters, it will be possible to switch to the printing document. For this purpose, you must do the following steps:

  1. Similarly, get into the "Page Settings" window.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the "Page" tab.
  3. At the bottom of the menu, you need to click on the "View" button, after which the main print output menu opens.
  4. On the right of the window that opened will be shown the location of the table on the worksheet. If everything suits here, then you need to click on the "Print" button located in the upper left corner. If necessary, in this window, you can correct the print parameters and immediately look at the changes.
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Output of a print document with preview

How to reduce (compress) Large table for printing on one sheet of A4 format

Sometimes large sizes table in Excel does not fit on one sheet. In the current situation, you can reduce the table array to the desired size to fit it on a single A4 sheet. This procedure is performed in several stages, each of which will be described below.

Enter a sheet in one page

This method is relevant if some small part of the table goes beyond one working sheet of A4 format. To fit the plate to one sheet, you will need to perform a number of uncomplicated actions:

  • Expand the File section in the upper left corner of the program by clicking on it once the LKM.
  • In the context menu, click on the "Print" line.
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_7
Path to the "Print Parameters" window in Excel
  • On the right side of the window displays all information on the printing of the document. Here the user will need to find the "Setup" subsection.
  • Click on the elder with Radom with the "Current" point and click on the option "Enter a sheet for one page."
  • Wait until Microsoft Office Excel finishes the process of fitting the table and close the window with the setting.
  • Check the result.
Field change

The standard field value exhibited in Excele takes plenty of place at the sheet. To free up space, this parameter should be reduced. Then the table may optionally be placed on one sheet. It is necessary to act as follows:

  • According to the scheme discussed above, go to the section "Page Markup", and then click on the "Page Settings" button.
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_8
Opening the page "Page Settings". Step by step algorithm
  • In the displayed window, switch to the section "Fields".
  • Reduce the top, bottom, left and right field of fields or make these parameters zero, then click "OK".
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_9
Changing the size of the fields in the corresponding tab of the "page parameters" page mode

This option in Excel, which allows you to visually present the boundaries of the working sheet, estimate their size. The process of compressing the table using the page mode is divided into several stages, each of which deserves a careful study:

  • Open the current sheet and switch to the "View" tab, located on top of the main program menu.
  • In the opened toolbar, click on the button "Gap mode" to activate the option.
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_10
Actions to activate the page mode in Excel
  • In a new window, find a second blue dashed line and move it from the left position to the extreme right. As this strip moves, the table size will decrease.
Leaf orientation

To fit the table array on one sheet, it is important to choose its orientation correctly. The following algorithm will help change the current orientation of the document:

  1. Turn on the road mode, with which it will be possible to understand the nature of the placle on the work sheet. To activate the mode, you must go to the "View" tab on top of the main menu of the program, and then in the toolbar below, click on the "Page Markup" button.
  2. Now you need to go to the section "Page Markup" and click on the "Orientation" line.
  3. Change the current orientation and look at the location of the table. If the array is fitted on the work sheet, then the selected orientation can be left.
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Changing the orientation of the sheet in Excel Changing the sizes of cells

Sometimes the plate does not interfere with the same A4 sheet due to large cells. To correct the problem of cells, it is necessary to reduce either in the vertical or horizontal direction depending on the specific situation. To resize the elements of the table array, the following manipulations must be performed:

  • Fully select the desired column or string in the table with the left key of the manipulator.
  • Click the LKM cell on the boundary of the adjacent column or lines and move it in the appropriate direction: vertically left or horizontally up. More understandable shown in the screenshot below.
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Manual decrease in cell sizes in Microsoft Office Excel
  • If necessary, change the size of all cells. For this purpose, you first need to switch to the "Home" tab, and then go to the section "Cells".
  • Next, deploy the "Format" subsection and in the context menu, click on the line "Line height line".
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_13
Activation of the filling function of the row height

In Excel, you can print only the user's part of the table. To do this, you will need to do several steps on the algorithm:

  1. Select the desired area of ​​the table array left mouse button.
  2. Click on the "File" button in the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Press the "Print" row.
  4. In the subsection, setting up on the right side of the screen, press LKM according to the "Print Dedicated Fragment" option.
  5. Check the result. Selected previously part of the table should be printed.
How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, page and print parameters 5076_14
Printing only selected fragment signs

How to print an empty table to fill with cells for the entire page

To perform the task you need:

  1. Similarly activate the "page mode" by turning into the "View" tab. Dotted lines that the area will be marked are the borders of the work sheets.
  2. Select any cell by pressing the left key of the manipulator.
  3. Click on the PCM cell and select the option of the "cell format" in the context window.
  4. An additional menu will open, in which you need to switch to the section "Border" from above.
  5. Press the "External" and "Internal" buttons by selecting the appropriate pictograms.
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Activation of external and internal pictograms for printing blank table
  1. Press "OK" at the bottom of the window and check the result.

This action involves the activation of bilateral printing. To implement this ability to need:

  1. Click the LKM on the "File" button on top of the main menu.
  2. Go to the "Print" section.
  3. Expand the "Bilateral Print" subsection and select one of the possible options by reading their description.
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Activation of double-sided printing in Excel


Thus, in Excel, fit the table with a large amount of data on one sheet is easy. The main thing to do a number of relevant manipulations, the main of which were described above.

Message How to print an Excel table on one sheet. Changing the orientation, setting the boundaries of columns and rows, the parameters of the page and print appeared first on information technologies.

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