How not to meet February 14 alone? Pickup Tips from Russian Classics


The day of all lovers is considered to be a holiday for two. And what if you do not have a second half, but really want? Protection suggested that Russian classics could advise their descendants. After all, in his time and Pushkin, and Lermontov, and Dostoevsky walked the same hearts, and real passions boil their novels on the pages of their novels. We are confident that their experience in amur affairs will certainly help you avoid the fate to meet a holiday alone.

Personal life of the author of the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Goncharov failed. But, perhaps, his hero Ilya Ilyich is an excellent example of an incredible male charm in nature. How did Oblomovo be able to find a dozen attention to women? Everything is simple, read and learn

  1. I do not go out of the room, listen to the old man of Brodsky. And do not even get up from the sofa - let the ladies come to you.
  2. Beautiful suits? No, have not heard. Home styled and hairstyle Like Robert Pattinson - that's what makes you attractive.
  3. Among the elect, declare a contest on needlework. Choose the one that is better at your bathrobe.
  4. Make a proposal of hands and hearts, and then take it back. Who said that after the engagement be sure to marry?
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How not to meet February 14 alone? Pickup Tips from Russian Classics

Frame from the film "A few days from the life of I.I. Oblomov "(1979)

Never married Gogol in the XVIII century wrote the best tutorial on the skill of the pickup - the story "Night before Christmas". Do you want her finally told "yes"? Then follow the unaccompanic instructions:

  1. Make a proposal for your person.
  2. Be sucking - I wear a damn by my shoulders.
  3. Make her to take it - pretend that you died.
  4. Go to the wedding trip to Peter one yes do not forget to bring a souvenir from there for your beloved.
  5. Catch it in your arms and tell me thanks to Nikolai Vasilyevich!
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How not to meet February 14 alone? Pickup Tips from Russian Classics

Frame from the movie "Night Before Christmas" (1951)

"Brother Pushkin" in his time was a notable hero-lover. The poet even led the famous Donzhuan lists. In them, he noted women who were once fond of or with whom was close - in chronological order. And the marriage on Natalia Goncharova in a letter to a friend somehow called "My 113 love". It is not surprising that critics often noted the similarity of young Pushkin with his charismatic character Evgeny Onegin. That's what you need to do so that all Tatyana in the world has fallen to your feet:

  1. Perfume, rowing, saws, scissors, brushes - beauty does not happen much. Remember: a good manicure decorate a man.
  2. "The smaller the woman we love, the more we like her" - read as a mantra and danishly. It will definitely work, verified by experience.
  3. Fell in love - the very guilty. I and one good: "I want to - Halvo I want, I want a gingerbread."
  4. Who said that love lives three years? After three years, it just begins, especially to married women.
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How not to meet February 14 alone? Pickup Tips from Russian Classics

Frame from the film-opera "Evgeny Onegin" (1958)

Mikhail Lermontov in a secular society became famous as a demon, in love with women. Evdokia Rostopina in a letter to Alexander Duma said that it was especially fun for the poet to disqualify the pair of marriage. According to a woman, Lermontov showed a huge love for the new bride, and then, wondering her, disappeared. In the same letter, the dams suggested that this way the poet argued himself that despite his growth and external unattractiveness, it is still very popular among women. But the hero of our time handsome Grigory Pechistan did not need to prove anyone, enough to list all his favorite women: Balla, Vera, Princess Mary. Want also? Then read what you need to do:

  1. Like true jigit, paint the horse for your beloved.
  2. Posadi chief to the high tower - let him feel like a princess.
  3. Do not bother, give gifts. When she finally melts, leaving for hunting. For there is nothing: you waited, let it be going to wait.
  4. Do not repeat the mistakes of Grigory: Princess Mary in the phone book write down as Dr. Werner.
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How not to meet February 14 alone? Pickup Tips from Russian Classics

Frame from the film "Hero of Our Time" (2006)

About Fedore Dostoevsky in contemporaries was a polar different opinion. Some considered him a timid dreamer who could not carefully care for women. Others like Turgenev seen in it Russian Marquis de Garda. Despite the opinions of the public, the second wife of Dostoevsky was true to him even after death. All the proposals for marriage Anna Dnikkin answered with confidence: "Yes, and for whom you can go after Dostoevsky? - Unless fat! So he is married. " How to become one of the only and unique for a woman, Fedor Dostoevsky told in his novel "Crime and Punishment":

  1. Help his own that you are a guy business and know what drill is different from the screwdriver. And remember: an ax is given to you for firewood to chop.
  2. Store the cost capital in the bank. With a cute paradise and in a chaolache at Katorga, of course, but women prefer Kathers in a landscaped apartment in a mortgage.
  3. Take a charity - it brings closer. No lady stands in front of a generous man.
  4. And most importantly - read the Bible, women love intellectuals.
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How not to meet February 14 alone? Pickup Tips from Russian Classics

Frame from the film "Crime and Punishment" (1969)

Photo on the main thing: Pictures of Hogarth "before seduction"

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