Gray Saturday


Gray Saturday 5029_1 - Today, Russian investors traded alone, in the "Black Saturday" mode. However, taking into account, she was not such a "black": in fact, the market was more likely to continue, only slightly adjusted after what happened on the evening before the jump in the evening. Formally, the Mosbier index fell to the previous closure by 0.33%, the RTS index is 0.44%, but both of them closed significantly higher than those opened on Friday.

In general, the situation remained neutral during the day - part of the "blue chips" grew, part decreased, but all this happened within less than 1%. The exceptions were the Paper of Norilsk Nickel: they felt significantly in the morning after the news of the next accident, and after the statement of the head of Vladimir Potanin's head of intent to invest 100 billion rubles in the safety of production. We collapsed by almost 5%, swaying and the overall picture. Nevertheless, even at a minimum, they cost more than Thursday night, and then they grave some more. So, on a whole day for the market, taking into account today's low liquidity, it is possible to be considered soon in plus.

"To the accident itself it was added to news on additional non-production costs, which could affect dividends. At the same time, Nickel's shares (MCX: GMKN) are, where to adjust - they have grown quite strongly, "the investment strategist of the Criminal Code" Arikapital "said Sergey Svervov.

A similar story with an accuracy of the ruble happened to the contrary: closed on the eve of 74.12 to the dollar, he strengthened to 74.05 to the end of the main bidding - that's just yesterday at the same time the dollar cost no more than 74 rubles. And in relation to the euro ruble and at all, it looked thought. But it is also about the growth rate per unit of kopecks, that is, nothing special happened. The RGBI state paper index in the morning also tried to grow, but this quickly ended with nothing and he closed "in zero."

There were few other significant news during the day. The Russian authorities again say that since the time that roughly coincides with the time of the accession of Crimea and the beginning of an armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, Europe and NATO began to behave less friendly. The reasons for such changes in the behavior of partners remain for the Russian leadership absolutely mysterious, but they do not calm down on the achieved.

"There were no foreigners, the day is quite calm, but the yield of American treasury papers is growing quite rapidly, and this creates the risk of tightening the monetary policy, dangerous to all markets, so it is difficult to speak about growth now. In the last view of Citi, taking into account the overbought of shares and the correction of forecasts for corporate profits, allows for a correction by 10-20%. If this happens, the Russian market expects no less movement, "says Sergey Soverev. - Oil was overheated, now it is adjusted and can pull us. According to the results of the meeting, on Monday, only "cosmetic" sanctions are waiting for the EU, but these expectations may not be justified. So it is quite likely to some decline in the Russian market. "

(The text has prepared Daniel Zagananov)

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