Methods for cleaning shopping chicken from antibiotics


Many people love to eat fried chicken or cook on its basis broth. And almost everyone buy a bird in stores, without even thinking that in such carcasses a huge number of hormones and antibiotics, which can cause serious harm to health. Most enterprises for growing chicken use chemistry so that the bird grow faster and sick less.

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Myth or harsh reality?

Meat, which contains antibiotics, harmful to the human body. According to the research of British scientists, it was found out that more than 10 million people in the world could die from this in a few decades. In order to create a drug that will produce the resistance of the human body to antibiotics, you need to spend hundreds of trillion dollars.

In 2018, Roskontrol conducted research in which it was revealed that even famous chicken meat manufacturers use antibiotics in their factories. That is why many doctors beat the alarm, soon the scale of disaster will come out for all imaginable frames. Everyone must understand that it is very important to protect your body from harmful additives.

How to distinguish a natural bird, from the one that "sits" on hormones

You can distinguish a natural bird in the following characteristics:

  • Yellow skin shade, it says that the bird was fed corn and grain.
  • The breast is rounded and solid, as it grew a long time, without the use of all kinds of chemical manipulations to accelerate growth.
  • The light smell of the haze, which means the bird was smin.
  • The meat of natural chicken has a darker shade.
  • Fat is distinguished by light yellow.
  • The natural bird does not have weights more than 2 kg.

Also, the shopping carcass differs in broth, the soup of it is obtained transparent and practically tasteless.

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How to Clean the Bird from Antibiotics

So that the store chicken could not harm, it must be cleaned as much as possible from antibiotics. For this there are several ways.

  • After cooking to drain broth. After the water in which the bird is boiled, boils, it is merged. There is no benefit in such a broth, it has an unpleasant smell and is not worth it. For cooking soups, it is better to look for a home carcass.
  • Remove parts in which the largest amount of toxins are concentrated. A huge amount of harmful substances accumulates in the skins and the ruin, these places need to be removed first. It is also not necessary to use chicken offal, especially the liver. The largest amount of harmful substances is concentrated here.
  • Soaking birds in solution. Remove hormones and antibiotics can special solution. It will take 3 liters of water, ¼ part of the lemon and 2 tablespoons of the cook salt. In such a solution, the bird is poured for 2-3 hours. It helps to withdraw a large number of chemistry from chicken.
  • Mineral water solution. Also save the bird from toxins. Mineral water is capable. Pour mineral water in the pan and soak the bird for 3-4 hours.

These ways will help make a chicken more secure for use.

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