How many pocket money receive Russian children: survey results

How many pocket money receive Russian children: survey results 5016_1

Most parents control children spending

The SuperJob service interviewed the parents from all over Russia and learned how much the children of different ages receive on pocket expenses. The survey results were at the disposal of Chips Journal.

It turned out that most of the children aged from seven to 17 years old receive less than a thousand rubles from their parents per month, and these expenses are usually controlled.

Pocket money gives 67 percent of parents of young students, 82 percent of parents of children aged 11 to 14 years and 89 percent of teenage parents from 15 to 17 years.

Every fourth child's parent aged 11 to 14 years old does not follow how money was spent. 37 percent of the parents of high school students also do not control the costs of sons and daughters. Among the parents of young students only 14 percent are not interested in bought their children. Respondents explained that in this way they want to teach them independently dispose of their money and trust their children.

More than half of the respondents in each age group prefer to monitor what money was spent on.

76 percent of the parents of children aged from seven to ten years allocate less than a thousand rubles per month for pocket costs per month, and ten percent generously lay out from a thousand to three thousand rubles. Three percent choose children pocket in the amount of more than three thousand rubles.

64 percent of parents of children from 11 to 14 years old also give less than a thousand rubles for pocket expenses, and 24 percent - from a thousand to three thousand. Two percent give children more than five thousand.

The high school students are approximately the same. 39 percent of parents give them less than a thousand per month, 35 percent - from a thousand to three thousand, and 12 percent - from three to five thousand. Four percent will not be bought on pocket in the amount of from five to ten thousand, and two percent of Russian parents is not a problem to give a child more than ten thousand rubles.

Also, parents clarified that under pocket money they mean not only the means to eat outside the house, but also buy clothes or pay for transportation costs.

Persons took part in the polls of children from seven to 17 years old, a thousand people for each age group.

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