What meat can not eat?

What meat can not eat? Domadeal

Today we reflect on a very controversial topic: meat.

We will not argue, everyone loves on meat that the most notorious crust when baking or roasting. Chef all over the world's chef show us the recipes of grilled meat or roasting to crispy golden brown crust! What is just a kebab!

Many people have a cult of meat, they do not represent their kitchen without meat. Most of them are literally eating meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I admit honestly, I am no exception, and I also like to eat meat to the very crust. I try not to abuse this product in large quantities and limit it to the frying time.

Frequent and abnormal consumption of fried meat leads to:

- Development of cancer, especially intestinal cancer and stomach. That very crust on meat is carcinogens affecting cell synthesis.

- Alzheimer's diseases. Homocysteine ​​is split from animal proteins and increases the risk of this disease several times.

- pathologies of cardiovascular diseases. "Bad" cholesterol causes thrombosis, thickens blood and clogs the vessels. These factors lead to heart attacks and strokes.

- The use of a large portion of meat carries a colossal load on the gastrointestinal tract.

What meat can not eat?

The most harmful ways of cooking meat are its frying at elevated temperatures (in a frying pan, grill or grill). Red meat (beef, lamb, pork) is most susceptible to the accumulation of hazardous substances than white.

To reduce the harm of fried meat, adhere to the following rules:

☑️ Neutralize the harm of fried meat and reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract while raw vegetables and greens in large quantities will help at the same time. Thanks to the content of fiber, food is better absorbed and promotes better promotion on the gastrointestinal tract.

What meat can not eat? 5000_2
What meat can not eat? Domadeal

☑️ Oil after frying can not be reused! A single-applied oil does not accumulate carcinogens. Prepared and merged with a frying pan.

☑️ Equiphertic products (ipaine, kefir, prokurba) are removed from the body toxins.

☑️ It is recommended to use fried red fried no more than 1 time per week.

☑️ Spices not only improve taste, but also stimulate digestion.

☑️ With frying, we try not to make the formation of the very crust, constantly turning the meat.

What meat can not eat? 5000_3
What meat can not eat? Domadeal

Meat meat portion of vegetable salad

We use meat in moderate quantities with vegetables, and then you will only benefit.

Thank you for reading the publication to the end!

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