Schugalya called the UN report on Libya biased and found on speculation


Schugalya called the UN report on Libya biased and found on speculation 50_1
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According to the President of the Foundation for the Protection of the National Values ​​Maxim Schugalea, a published report on Libya, established by resolution 1973 (2011) of February 18, 2021, is unreliable. That is why the head of the Foundation sent a letter to the UN.

Shugaean has the impression that the organization's experts know nothing about what is happening in Libya. He made such conclusions on the basis of the report in which all information is based on the information of "confidential sources".

The head of FZNTS believes that the UN Security Council cannot refer to dubious sources of information. After all, on the basis of a compiled report, resolutions are made, which can negatively affect the residents of Libya.

According to Schugalea, he agrees with the point in the report on actions that threaten the stability and security of Libya. But at the same time, the head of the Foundation drew attention to the experts who worked on the document did not have enough awareness in this matter.

Maxim Shootague is well familiar with Libya. He visited the country more than once. The last visit to his ended for 18 months. After going to Libya to conduct sociological studies, he was captured by Libyan militants and was placed in a private prison "Mitiga". I spent more than a year and a half in Libya. This allowed him to learn about the most unsightly sides of the life of this state.

The President of the FZNC calls Libya to the hostage of other people's interests. He recalled that military conflicts do not stop with the filing of Western players in the country for a long time. The influence of the West was noticeably intensified in 2019. Libya has long been missing justice. But the international community pretends that he does not notice this.

"The report has one paragraph about the fact that:" There are arbitrary detentions and ill-treatment of prisoners, which were held in the "Mitiga" prison. They reported arbitrary detentions, torture .... It was found that the major liability for it carries Halid al-Hishri. The group requested about the organization of the meeting, but unsuccessfully, "said Schigali.

He drew the attention of the convict and part of the report on Russia and its "influence on Libya." The competence of international experts was enough only to resort to the help of dubious sources on the network: "Medusa" project "Project" and "Dossier". Schugalee believes that these editions can not even be attributed to the opposition media.

"Experts for some reason refer to online publications, which in Russian, practicing American grants (and this is absolutely proven fact), try to blacken my country around the world. Do you think they can be believed? " - wondered by the question.

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