In the Vladimir region, 400 temples will restore?

In the Vladimir region, 400 temples will restore? 5_1
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Metropolitan Vladimir and Suzdal Tikhon for the first time during his service in the province gave a large press conference on the results of his work. Recall, Vladyka accepted San Metropolitan in 2020 and headed the Vladimir diocese. The main events of the last year of the Orthodox life of the region in the material of our correspondent Evgeny Pavlova.

It is known that Vladimir is not only ancient, but also the Orthodox capital of Russia. At the moment, the Metropolis is open 593 temples, 369 parishes, 48 ​​monasteries and squeezes. Specifically, 327 temples, 186 parishes and 13 monasteries operate in the Vladimir diocese. 460 priests and deacons are served throughout the region in the ROC.

It is important that the temples that function today is only half of those that were built in the province. Almost as much is subject to recovery. In total, the region of 400 ruined churches, the recreation of which require billionth investments. Their reconstruction will delay indefinitely. However, gradually temples still lead in order and build new ones.

For example, the arrival in honor of the princes of Vladimir and Alexander Nevsky, which was built on the site of the Cafe "Pancakes", is already preparing for the discovery. The construction of the church has already been completed. Water pipes are laid to the building, heat and electricity are supplied. It remains to perform only finishing work and install the fence. Already ordered iconostasis, and in the future the walls will be squeezed. The temple will be consecrated on July 6.

Last year, a pre-revolutionary church was discovered in the regional center. It is located on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, on the territory of the military unit. The parish was erected in honor of the Holiday Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1914 and is an architectural value. Currently there are restoration work. However, at what stage and when will end, the Lord did not specify.

It should be noted that the well-known priests have retired last year. Among them: Metropolitan Eurogoli, the post of which took the current Vladyko Tikhon, Schirchimandrites Peter Kucher, who was the confessor of the Holy Bogolyuba monastery and Archpriest Vasily Vasilovakov. At the same time, temples are replenished with new frames. Over the past year, Vladimir Seminary released 11 people.

But one of the most pleasant events of 2020 is the opening of the media center of the Vladimir diocese. He appeared on the territory of the Virgin - the Christmas Monastery. There is even a video recording studio here, which is equipped with modern and main-professional equipment.

Author: Evgeny Pavlov

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