6 of the most dear hairstyles of past years, which today look ridiculous


Even more nosa

Surely you also remember (or saw in films) these terrible bangs, which were specially combed, and then also sprayed with varnish so that they would rise above their heads by Edaki Arc. At that time it was considered incredibly stylish, and in our looks very ridiculous and tasteless. In the same way, the top was preaching, creating the effect of an incredible volume on the hair (those ladies were especially trying, whom Nature was not awarded a magnificent chapel).

Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.

In the 80s (and in the 90s), the ladies were experimentally experimented with hair, exposing them to torture in the form of chemistry or curling corrugations. Surely in your house, too, there is a curling device, more similar to a tool for execution than on a beauty gadget. As a result, the hair was very quickly spoiled and some practically fell off beams. Over time, fashionables had to cut their chemistry and squeeze with a short hairdo until the hair would not repent and it would be possible to try something like again. A more sparing option is a terrible chemistry - semi-discharge hair split into small strands, heat tight pigtails and get some kind of small curls in the morning.

The effect of wet hair
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.

"What is bad in the effect of wet hair if the designers offer this version of the laying?" - You can ask you a completely reasonable question and you will be partly right. But if today stylists and makeup artists try to get closer to the maximum naturalness, then earlier for the achievement of the desired effect, many girls (and guys too) poured the polltybric gel, as a result of which a cherry crust formed on his hair, which looked very inestore.

Overhead Tails and Shignon
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.

Modern women can also afford sometimes to use various linings and special strands on the hairpins (to create some kind of spectacular hairstyle, for example), but they look as much as possible and aesthetic. And in former times, the overhead tails and shigns most often made from the unnatural strands and were very different from their native hair. Therefore, if you still have this hello from the past, then try to replace it with something more decent.

Photo: vogue.com.
Photo: vogue.com.

High tails on the top of the top, tied with a bunch of colored rubber bands at the base, in the form of a multi-colored trunk, looked, of course, very epic. In addition, to achieve a consuming effect, the hair was going very tight, so much that the whiskey was pulling and terribly sick head. But this fact, this fact seems to be absolute at all. They were ready to endure any inconvenience, just to correspond to the spirit of that time. Modern hair stylists warn that such an execution can damage hair bulbs, disrupt blood circulation and negatively affect your health.

Shaved whiskey
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.
Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.

In order to keep up with brave guys from zero, who tried to choose the most original haircut, shaking something in the spirit of the skull, spiders, chessboard or zipper, the girls were also practiced in originality, substituted their whiskey under the machine and depicted on They are something like bows or zigzags. It looked not that very feminine and sexy.

Photo: vogue.com; Kinopoisk.ru.

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