Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvest


    Good afternoon, my reader. Strawberry harvest is completely dependent on what care is provided by a berry bust. Many gardeners carefully take care of berry bushes during the growth period, in the spring, after awakening, during flowering and fruiting. But this is a mistake. Continue to keep track of strawberries. It is necessary before the onset of autumn.

    Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvest 4988_1
    Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

    So, in June, you enforced delicious berries, remained very satisfied with the harvest and want to be the same abundance next year. Some simple rules for the care of strawberries during the remaining summer months and autumn.

    Using a secaterator, cut all the mustache. They take power from the bush and prevent him from fully developing.

    Adopt the bush superphosphate or ammonium nitrate solution. Act according to the instructions. Connect chicken litter, wood ashes and other mineral fertilizers. Just remember that it is necessary to watered under the bush so that the water does not fall on the leaves.

    Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvest 4988_2
    Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry mustache trim. (Photo used by standard license ©

    We have a bed and be sure to loose ground between the bushes.

    The main rule of August - watering! The last summer month is often given to dry and hot. Therefore, spend watering at least 2 times a week. If we noticed that the bushes were drooped, and the foliage dries, it means to water. And nothing terrible that you watered her day before yesterday or yesterday. The plant is visible when it requires water.

    Make sure that the mustache does not grow. They, as well as in July, must be cut in time. It happens that on the mustache by this time there are small young bushes of strawberries. If you need landing material, leave these mustache before the period, as you plan to deal with the transplant of berry bushes.

    During this period, it is recommended to plant new bushes of strawberries on the plot. It is better to do it in the evening or on a cloudy day. The seedlings should have three real leaves and a developed root system. It is planted in a pre-prepared wet hole filled with the necessary feeding.

    Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvest 4988_3
    Life goes on. How to care for strawberries after harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Disembarking bushes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The first autumn month although it says that it's time to finish the garden season, the garden work is less not becoming less. That strawberry does not cease to demand good care. We continue to trim the mustache, clean and cut the dry leaves, do the rolling and loosening. The only one can reduce the frequency of irrigation, reducing them up to once a week.

    Adhes the bushes. Great for this "Ammophos". Will the winter will help to heat the chicken litter, divorced in water. Under each bush poured 1-1.5 l of the mixture. Sprinkle wood ash and then pour. Avoid getting water on the leaves.

    Month preparation of bushes to wintering. Choose a warm no rainy day and proceed to trimming greens. It is better to do this by the secateur, pre-woven blades with alcoholic solution.

    After that burst the earth and pour it. Proceed berry bushes with a weak solution of manganese and sprinkle ash.

    Separately, I want to dwell on the rules of care for the repair strawberry. For the entire season, she rejoiced us with delicious berries. Now they came our turn to take care of her. Carefully inspect the replication of bushes. Remove the dry leaves, burst the soil, treat from various diseases, adopt. Remove the flowerons, and the greens can not trim. For the winter, cover the straw or sweetheart.

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