Areas - "Antichenians": choose the area for a comfortable life and investment


During the year in St. Petersburg, 62.8 thousand apartments and apartments with a summary area of ​​2.66 million square meters were implemented. meters, Rosreestr reports. According to analysts Urban Awards, most of the property - 16.3 thousand apartments and apartments - was sold in Primorsky district. In second place was the Moscow district - the number of real estate transactions in new buildings in the region was 9.2 thousand. Climbing the top three Vyborg district leaders, where 8.3 thousand lots were sold for the year. An expert told what it turned out to be attractive to these locations for buyers and on which areas of St. Petersburg should now pay attention to.

Obviously, where a lot is built, there are more and buying, Dmitry Shchegelsky, President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate, General Director of Benouua, unfortunately the majority of the LCD in the most popular areas of buyers are banal "humanists."

"It is on the outskirts of these areas that is now active mass construction and development of territories. Unfortunately, the majority of the LCD in such locations are banal "humans", koi is now everywhere, "the analyst said.

And the price of housing, according to the expert, has grown quite significantly. The most expensive, from the point of view of the price of a square meter in new buildings from the top three leaders is the Moscow district - 150 thousand rubles. For the year prices here increased by 24%. The Moscow district "breathes" in the back of the Primorsky district -148 thousand rubles. Rising prices here more - 26%. Closes the "race" Vyborg district - 145 thousand rubles. Rising prices - 23%.

"I do not think that in 2021 something radically will change in the leadership of the previously named areas in demand. This will not happen until the stains for development will end in these areas. From the point of view of investment, I believe that the most promising the central districts and the Moscow district. In the central regions, a large deficit of places for building and all that is now being built there will be quickly inherit. The Moscow District is the most developed area of ​​St. Petersburg, which enjoys an excellent reputation from buyers and employers, "said Dmitry Shchechelsky.

If you do not want to live in the "man", but at the same time in St. Petersburg and in the apartment, and not in a country house, that is, two options, the expert notes.

"The first is to choose accommodation in the secondary market among the houses of the Tsarist or Soviet buildings. They are all small for the current standards and in relation to the number of neighbors are quite comfortable. The second option is to select low-rise new buildings. But in the central regions it is necessary in this case to the price per square meter from 250 thousand rubles, or it will be a building on the outskirts of the city, such as the fact that they are built on Pulkovsky altitudes, "the expert summarized.

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Areas -
Areas - "Antichenians": choose the area for a comfortable life and investment

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