Apple found a new way as less often charge Apple Watch


Apple Watch is a combination of advanced technologies and complex engineering. An important technical feature of the gadget is the time he can work without recharging. Now this gap does not exceed 2 days (18 hours).

How Apple is going to save battery charge

It would be nice if the clock needed charging every 3-5 days. The manufacturer has long been looking for an effective way to solve a topical problem. And for this purpose, on January 28, 2021, Apple registered a new patent No. 20210026450. In which it is proposed to remove the Taptic Engine vibromotor. It is planned to install another battery. It will perform 2 functions: batteries and reverse tactile communications.

The new patent describes the mechanism that causes the battery to perform oscillatory movements during the user interaction with the display. It is assumed that a new technical solution will extend the work time up to 36 hours.

Apple found a new way as less often charge Apple Watch 4948_1
How Apple plans to enlarge Apple Watch

Often the user detects that the real time of autonomous work is less than the manufacturer declared. Especially often it happens if you get a lot of notifications and tips of the system. Fortunately, there are methods that allow you to save the charge. Here are just a few of the most popular:

  1. Use a dark dial. Black pixels require less energy than other colors on OLED screens, which means save the charge.
  2. Adjust the screen brightness.
  3. Reduce the number of notifications received. Connecting Apple Watch screen highlighting incoming notifications affects the operation of the gadget.
  4. Disconnect the wrist lift function. It turns on the screen every time the owner is raising his hand to watch time or notice. It is convenient, but discharges the battery.
  5. Turn on Power Reserve mode. This is not necessarily the most convenient way to save the battery. But he is probably the most efficient. Turning on the backup mode will turn off all notifications and warnings on the device, as well as all other functions. Apply this method during a long trip, when it is important to save the charge to the maximum.

Regardless of whether the Apple will launch a new patent into production, save the charge using simple ways. This will help extend the operation time and battery life.

Apple has found a new way as less frequently charge Apple Watch appeared first to information technology.

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