Myths in which many mothers believe, and doctors do not approve


There are many

Regarding the upbringing and health of children in which, unfortunately, many modern mothers still believe. Famous pediatricians (Komarovsky, Katasonov and other doctors) strongly advise women to carefully study information and consult with experts if doubts arise. It is not necessary to unconditionally believe everything that can harm the kids.

Myths in which many mothers believe, and doctors do not approve 4935_1

Many parents remember how from childhood they were told that drinking during the adoption of food is prohibited. Grandmothers believe that water prevents the normal process of digestion, and subsequently the child will necessarily have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is explained by the fact that water dilutes gastric juice, and food is much worse than digested. But it is not so.

Vadim Wings, a nutritionist and an endocrinologist says that the water is undesirable to drink during the food those who already have a gastrointestinal disease. If the child is healthy, water can be drunk during meals. When the baby asks water, do not deny, motivating it by the fact that he eats at that time. To maintain the water balance, a person needs to use 1.5-2 liters of pure drinking water. Calculate the required amount of water simply: for each kilogram of weight you need 30 ml of water.

Myths in which many mothers believe, and doctors do not approve 4935_2

Svetlana, Mom 4-year-old Kati:

"The daughter drinks a lot of water enough, which I naturally is glad. Some children will not make a drink and a couple of sips, and the water is necessary to grow a growing organism. Somehow we came to visit my grandmother, Katina Prababuska. Granny began to sigh when the daughter asked the water during lunch: "What do you do, why do you give a child water? She eats soup, why does she need water? Want to spoil the stomach girl? ". I tried to explain that the water will not harm Kate, on the contrary, will benefit, but the grandmother did not listen to me. At home, I always put a cup with water during lunch. Watches riding water, let drink. "

Modern parents were divided into two camps. Some actively oppose the vaccinations, others for vaccination. Usually, anti-recreaks appeal in that there are too many chemical compounds in a vaccine that can lead to irreversible consequences after the introduction of a vaccine into the child's body. But in each product contains chemical compounds, for example, in a pear of formaldehyde (it is very afraid of a very fear of vaccinations) more than in a vaccine. Anna Levadnaya, neonatologist, argues that there is such a meager amount of harmful chemicals in a vaccine that they cannot harm the baby. The doctor advises parents to make vaccinations to children, but use a modern vaccine that is more purified compared to old, Soviet medicines.

Myths in which many mothers believe, and doctors do not approve 4935_3

Maria, Mom Year of Artem:

"During pregnancy, I studied the information whether you need to instill a baby. On the forums they wrote that vaccinations could lead almost to disability. But then I met a wonderful immunologist who was available to explain why the vaccinations need to do. Before each vaccination, we hand over the tests to make sure the Artem is completely healthy. We choose the vaccine proven, imported. We plan to vaccinate Artem according to the vaccination calendar. "

See also: Caeshard Children: Myths, Differences from "Naturenikov", which showed research

Evgeny Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, emphasizes that sterility in childhood only prevents the health of kids. The immune system of the crumbs every day is found with a huge amount of viruses and bacteria. If parents will raise a child in greenhouse conditions, the immune system of the crumb will not be able to withstand many diseases. Komarovsky claims that it is not worth creating sterile conditions, otherwise the consequences can be very negative.

Marina, Mom 3-year-old Diana:

"My girlfriend came somehow for us to visit our one-year-old son. She did not leave him away from him, tried to hold on his hands so that he would not give God, did not touch the dustcard or dog's bowl. The girlfriend was shocked that my Diana hugs with a dog, does not bathe daily, if he does not want to dig daily in the sandbox. At the same time, the daughter never hurt yet, she has no health problems. I think it is not necessary to raise children in a sterile setting, because we jumped on the puddles, ate fruit straight from the trees, and grew up healthy and happy. "
Myths in which many mothers believe, and doctors do not approve 4935_4

Pediatricians say that on Mamino, milk in infants allergic reactions do not occur. Allergies may arise for some product that ate mom. Also, the tendency to allergic reactions is often transmitted by inheritance, and it does not matter, on what feeding is the kid: breast or artificial. Immunosts It is said that allergies are the answer of the immune system to the stimulus, and the body's response may occur not only to the mixture.

If the child is on artificial feeding, it is important to choose a suitable mixture. If the mother feeds the baby's chest, you need to carefully enter new products into my diet and follow the reaction of the infants. The following products are considered strong allergens: citrus, mushrooms, cow milk, seafood, honey, nuts.

Tatyana, Mom 2-year-old Valeria:

"I suffered from atopic dermatitis as a child. Therefore, when Lera was born, my mother gave me valuable instructions, how to avoid allergies at the daughter. In her opinion, I had to feed the baby with breasts almost to school, to eat exclusively by boiled turkey and buckwheat. But in the first month after childbirth, I had a stagger of milk, and we were transferred to Lero to the mixture. And I didn't even have to pick up the mixture, the first brand that we bought, perfectly approached the baby. My mother screamed that we do not think about the child, I need to keep milk, but I accepted such a decision and was not going to refuse it. Now Lera is two years old, and for all the time she only had a rash on his cheeks when her daughter ate a lot of strawberries. "

Famous pediatric Fyodor Katasonov believes that it is not only possible to travel with children, but also need. Parents need rest, and for kids change the situation - it is fun and positive. If you prepare well for a trip with young children, there will be no problems. First of all, all the necessary vaccinations should be made by the kids. You need to assemble the first aid kit with drugs that may be needed on the journey.

Think out what the child will do on the road. Take water and snack (a plane to the child is allowed to take drinks and products with you), magazines, stickers, favorite krochi toys. Fyodor Catasonov says that the journey with children is not so difficult and not at all dangerous, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to prepare in advance and think over all the nuances with which parents may encounter during the holidays.

Lyudmila, Mom 2-year-old Christina and 5-year-old Andrei:

"My husband and I have been traveling a lot to the birth of children, and I can not imagine life without trips. When Andrew was born, for the first time we took it on the trip, when he turned 8 months old. The relatives pounced on us with criticism, as we can expose the kid's danger. But the trip to the sea was delightful, without any problems. After the test first time we went with Andryusha by car and train, flew by plane, and nothing was afraid. Now we are traveling for four times. I already know what medicines to take, what toys and books will entertain my children. There is nothing difficult on trips with children, the main thing is to be positively tune in to the rest. "

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