How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced summer residents


    Good afternoon, my reader. The main problem of cucumbers - love for moisture. It is this environment that is a paradise for microbes. Therefore, when crops and growing cucumbers, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, the ignoring of which will lead to the death of the crop and in vain the spent time. Therefore, in this article we will teach you to detect diseases and apply the prevention that will give the opportunity to get healthy fruits.

    How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced summer residents 4916_1
    How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced dachnikov Maria Verbilkova

    This is due to temperature drops and causes the cessation of fruiting. Because to avoid such problems, cover the leaves for the night or grow cucumbers in the greenhouse.

    The second cause of yellow leaves is a lack of potassium. Therefore, spray the shoots of wood ash. This is done as follows: 3 tablespoons of ashes are in line in a liter of boiled water and insist the week. Filter, adopt roots. Or make a decoction of onion husks: 100 grams pour the water bucket and boil 7 minutes. After the decoction cools, use the lytra on the well.

    Many of you have seen mildewa dawn: white or reddish stains on the leaves. So, this fungus is able to completely kill the plant! The reasons for the development of infection are irregular watering and excess of nitrogen. Therefore, before planting plants, treat the land of fungicides. You can cure plants with the following drugs: "Topaz", "Hom", colloidal sulfur.

    To kill milded dew, use the infusion of a cowboy in the proportion of 1kg by 3 liters of water.

    To avoid this, disinfect land before boarding. Do not go the cucumbers thick. The affected leaves should be unwolved immediately. To fight rot, buy "Roval" or "Bayleton" preparations.

    It occurs due to frequent watering or sudden temperature drops. To avoid this, water the cucumbers in moderation, that is, the earth should be a slightly wet. If the root rot is already allowed, spray shoots.

    How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced summer residents 4916_2
    How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced dachnikov Maria Verbilkova

    To form new roots, make a simple maneuver: from the beginning of escape, cut a little leaves, put it on the ground and sprinkle with soil. For the prevention of the root rotting, water only fade into the root, but not blurring it.

    To avoid infectious lesions of cucumbers, use the following drugs: "Acrobat MC", "Infinito", "Ranman", "Armethyl M 72", "Ridomil MC", Dove, "Medica", Copper Copper.

    How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced summer residents 4916_3
    How to treat cucumbers: Tips for experienced dachnikov Maria Verbilkova

    Of the folk remedies, a good option is the infusion of the horsetail. Recipe: 300 grams of fresh pastries Stir of 100 grams of dried by 3 liters of water. This mass is boiling and sting to room temperature. We insist for a day. This solution is applied once a week.

    Another option for the treatment of cucumbers is a solution of yeast and water. Dissolve 30 grams of dry yeast by 5 liters of water, let it over. Pour once a week.

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