How on the road to the evacuation of the doll saved the life of a little Leningrad

How on the road to the evacuation of the doll saved the life of a little Leningrad 4890_1

The history of the blockade of Irina Alekseevna Zamneva deserves separate attention and could be a plot to the documentary drama. To go through all the horrors of the war helped her toy donated by her mother. The doll literally saved the girl life.

Memorial for children who died at Lychkovo railway station, Irina Alekseevna practically as native. And not only because of the external similarity. This is a coincidence that there was a lot of life in her life. But there were among the simple concrete circumstances of truly fateful.

Irina Zimneva: "Mom took a picture of me on July 10, 1941 and wrote that on this day I went to evacuation. And when mom put me in a train, she put this little doll in my apron's pockets. "

In July, the 41st two-year-old Ira, together with thousands of Leningrad children, was shaking in a crowded hemp and left away from the departed city. For the week, Echelon drove only 350 kilometers to the current territory of the Novgorod region. Then there was a sudden airline, and two dozen bombs collapsed from the sky.

Most likely, except for 30 children's lives, on July 18, the Germans would take another one. But the same grandmother's doll helped.

Irina Zimneva: "And so I was in the first car, from which almost nothing left. On the second day I was found among the corpses. In my hand, the doll was firmly clamped. And the boy who found me wanted to give this doll to his sister. They never saw such toys. When he saw that I was alive, he called adults, and dug up. "

After 60 years, Irina Alekseevna will again meet a man who pulled a two-year-old girl from under the dawns. Having become accidentally, they recognize each other exactly on the doll, which the child retained, as he taught in 1941 her mother.

Today, Irina Alekseevna is active, it seems like never. He is interested in photography, publishes its own books and conducts hundreds of events for veterans - coordinates the public movement "forever living". And in his 82, it dreams to visit the Altai Mountain Altai. And firmly knows the answer to the question why tries to spend every day, as if this is a gift of fate. After all, she managed to survive in the war, which means it should live not only for themselves, but also for those who were killed by the fascists in the Great Patriotic.

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