In Kameshkovsky district there is a decrease in incidence of incidence of coronavirus


On January 29, a meeting of the Operational Staff at Coronavirus, chaired by the head of the administration of Anatoly Kurgan, was held in the Kameshkovsky district administration.

In Kameshkovsky district there is a decrease in incidence of incidence of coronavirus 4867_1

The chief physician of Kameshkovskaya CRH S. L. Timkin said that in Kameshkovsky district there is a decrease in incidence of incidence, a decrease in the flow of beds is observed. Vaccination continues in Kameshkovsky district, 600 doses were obtained, the first stage of the vaccine has already received 485 people, the second 98. For vaccination, the option of entering enterprises is considered. The issues of opening vaccination points in rural settlements are considered. Active work was noted on vaccination Vakhromevsky ambulance.

The Deputy Head of the OOP of the OMVD of Russia in Kameshkovsky District S. A. Priesiin reported that joint raids were held with the Department of Entrepreneurship, with local authorities. Check the places of mass accumulation of people, such as trading facilities, public catering. There were no violations.

The first deputy head of the Administration L. V. Gueleyev reported on the control of special treatment. According to the results of the inspections, 4 acts with comments that were sent to Rospotrebnadzor were drawn up. From February 1, the check will continue.

In Kameshkovsky district there is a decrease in incidence of incidence of coronavirus 4867_2

Head of the Department of Education I. A. Domarev appealed to members of the headquarters with the question of the transfer of additional education institutions for learning "small groups". Members of the headquarters decided to resolve such training, given that many education workers are already vaccinated from coronavirus infection.

The Deputy Head of the GKU at the "Employment Center of the Population of the city of Kameshkovo" N. V. Pavlova reported that the situation in the labor market is stable, from 18.01.2021 the employment center works in full-time, but by applying to recording, in compliance with the social distance and mask mode. To register, the employment center is still recommended through the "Work in Russia" portal.

Members of the headquarters turn to the inhabitants so that they wear personal protective equipment, conscientiously and responsibly approached their health and health surrounding!

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