"Bath" - a film about our memories


Russian cinema has long remained in creative decay for a long time, except for several bright films of the 90s of the last century and the beginning of the zero years of the current state: "Brother" (1997), "Brother-2" (2000), "Shirley Merley" ( 1995), "I want to go to jail" (1999) and of course, which showed a good example of the rest of the director, "Interdevechka" (1989).

Then again there was some kind of incomprehensible calm and only occasionally Russian directors looked out of themselves Malomalski decent paintings. And suddenly, a new director's star is lit on the star sky - Dmitry Efimovich with his film "Bath" (2020).

Drying drama, although the creators declare it as a comedy, about children's memories of the average Russian guy, born at the junction of two epochs - the collapse of the USSR and the creation of a young Russian Federation.

There was a lot of time from those disturbing moments and, then born, then boys and girls grew up and already raising their children. That's just we still had the parents who had to easily bring up children in a grievous deficit time and underbanking unemployment and some of them continue to experience some mixed emotions and feelings about the correctness or inheritance of their educational techniques.

And now Max (Stas Starovoitov) is the very average Russian guy - it is sent from his family to his rejection father, who was supposed to come to them on his 70th anniversary, but did not come. This is where the story begins, or rather the story of Max about his children's memories and impressions.

Yes, the film did not turn out perfect and in it a lot of roughness, which can be written off on the fact that this is the debut full-length work of Dmitry Efimovich. Before this work, there were two paintings by most Russians ("My husband" and "comes in the kit" in 2013), as well as a lot of sketches and serials (Comedy Club, "Our Rasha", "big difference", etc.) . That's just the last straight leads me in bewilderment, because a person has already had to fill his hand on comedy, and I could not make a funny film.

There are no complaints to the screenwriter and operators at all - they did the work with the excellent, despite some of the most attentive filming and work with children in the frame. By the way, I noticed that a good directory can be distinguished from poor work with children on a set.

I sincerely hope that I will see in the films of Andrei Andreeva, who played Max in childhood, - I don't even understand what it was remembered by his work in the painting: a children's naivety or professional game.

But Stas Starovoitova is worth returning back to standup and no longer invite it to work on such serious projects - it is better to hear his sharpness and knuckle than to look at how he reuses his role imposed on him.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov on both the professional that played a lot of roles and may be born in any "skin." And his typical face of Russian workers does not even require any special make-up or angle.

I can say as a result that the picture turned out to be excellent, although not without flaws, and even deserves his place in my collection of films that can sometimes be revised.

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