Inversion table for spine stretching: opinion of doctors

Inversion table for spine stretching: opinion of doctors 4840_1

Treat a variety of spine problems, turning up upside down, offers a device manufacturer called an "inversion table" worth 19,500 rubles. The creators assure that the distance between intervertebral discs increases in this position, blood circulation is improved, back pain decreases.

The table is configured individually under human height, there is a limiter in the design that will not give up too much. If it is removed, then you can hang up vertically. It is proposed to practice such exercises at home or even at work - as a five-minute health.

In itself, the spine stretching, including under the weight of its own body, is used in medicine. But doctors warn: before any treatment it is necessary to conduct a survey so as not to make worse. After all, pains can be, for example, not lumbar, and kidney connected.

The biggest risk, according to doctors, is that this simulator can lose consciousness on this simulator, so you only need to perform these exercises under the supervision of a specialist.

In addition, the doctor insists: stretching - not such a simple process as it seems. The spine and everything around it requires a very competent and cautious approach: in addition to the vertebral discs, the nerves there is a huge number of ligaments, muscles. Muscles can react with spasm, and at the moment when you pull out or hang on the horizontal bar, it really comes relief. But in some situations, this relief can be

Short-term. How the vertebrae will behave when the patient rises from the table, it is impossible to say with confidence.

The list of contraindications that also recognizes the manufacturer, really impressive: displacement of the vertebrae, heart disease, overweight, glaucoma, pregnancy, increased pressure and a number of others.

In general, experts say that as a prevention for healthy people, this simulator can use, but as a method of treatment - no. Inversion table Modern science does not consider the effective and long-term method of therapy. Someone sometimes he can benefit, but he has too many contraindications. And the same applies to, for example, fashionable aerial, where they also turn the man upside down.

Inversion table for spine stretching: opinion of doctors 4840_2
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