Children-belligerents, Inagencies and payment of benefits: How will the life of Russians since March 1 will change

Children-belligerents, Inagencies and payment of benefits: How will the life of Russians since March 1 will change 4836_1
Photo: RIA Novosti © 2021, Konstantin Mikhalchevsky

In March, important innovations come into force in Russia.

Road sign

There will be a sign on the roads of the country, which will warn drivers about the operation of photographers and video violations cameras. It will be installed outside the city for 150-300 meters before the start of the control zone, and in the settlement - at the entrance to it. This sign will replace the acting pointer with the camera on a white or yellow background.

Baby benefits

Since March 1, the rules for issuing benefits for a child are changing. Now again it is necessary to apply for social services. Prior to this, in connection with the pandemic, several months existed the so-called imaginative procedure for the appointment of monthly payments to children with low-income families. We are talking about benefits after the birth of the first or second child. They rely in the event that the family's income size is less than two subsistence minimum.

Housing and utilities

On the first day of spring, new sanitary rules for the exploitation of high-rise buildings come into force. Now the management company should be carried out at least once a month to clean, flushing and disinfection of the garbage disposal. At the local area, it is forbidden to wash cars, merge fuel, as well as adjust the sound signals. Unloading goods to shops and offices that are located in apartment buildings cannot be made from the entrances to the entrances.

Punishment for Inogenments

Another innovation concerns individuals who perform the functions of a foreign agent. From now on, if they do not file an application for inclusion in the appropriate list, they face criminal punishment under 5 years of imprisonment.

Children-fly-party children

From March 7, the law will come into force, prohibiting landless passengers under 16 from public transport. The amendments were taken after several resonant stories when drivers or conduitors landed schoolchildren who did not pay the passage.

Map "Peace"

Since the beginning of March, all sellers and aggregators, whose turnover reached 30 million rubles over the past year or exceeded it, should receive the MIR payment system cards. From July of this year, the threshold will be reduced to 20 million rubles a year.

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