Is it possible to avoid male change


Whatever a woman want to be confident in loyalty to her man? But the life situation can turn not to the same side that I would like. We will list only the reasons that managed to find out from men and women who collided with men's treason. Some of them are obvious, but some have become an unexpected discovery.

Reasons that you can see

Frequent and long separation

Frequent business trips of one or another partner can give will a man for an interesting pastime without his woman. If a man easily agrees to go to a long business trip himself or joy letters you, then it should alert a little.

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Feel a man

Someone is quite easy flirting and smiles of another woman, and someone needs to complete their attractiveness for female. Such men can flirt with other women with each other case.

Reasons that may be uncomfortable

Circle of friends or colleagues

If many among friends or colleagues Men many or almost everyone has hobbies on the side, it is likely that he can think about treason himself. Not so much to confirm its significance, how much because of the formation in the head of the new thought "this is the norm."

Soul mate

There are such men who happily live in marriage for many years. They themselves wish children and be happy about their appearance and, it seems, love their wife. Their life is full with joint plans. But in one beautiful moment for him, he meets the "related soul". How it is determined - unknown. But this woman can become a serious problem for an existing family.

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Forbidden feeling

The bonds of marriage can determine the desire to feel freedom over time. If some men begin to live the idea that they are the basis and support of the family, then some can feel themselves hostages of the Union.

Wife like mom

Care and care can provoke the appearance of a feeling of kinship in a man in relation to a woman. It will certainly be him the road, but the desire can become not so strong as women who he sees around him. Other women can begin to associate with a man with intimate adventures, but the "native" wife will probably be a little interest, as it is already in the category of relatives.

Avoid male virtually impossible if your man wants it. Since the cause can be many factors to which it is impossible to influence, or to predict their appearance. It is likely that the relationship, where the man has a feeling of their masculinity, can help a little in such a difficult matter.

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