20+ evidence that children's trust is very easy to lose


Injusting even an adult, and in the heart of the child she can leave a trace for life. Children's insults are sometimes so strong that even after 30-40 years the events of the past stand in front of the eyes so obviously, as if it was yesterday.

We are in adme.ru sincerely empathize with all the characters of the stories, which at a young age had to face the dishonestness of other people. And we hope that sooner or later they will be able to let go of these situations and start living with a light heart.

  • Kindergarten. In a dream-hour I was impatient to the toilet. Especially in the teacher and went. Returned, lay down and fell asleep. After sleep, all dressed and built on the afternoon school, one girl could not find her ring with a blue stone. In the end, accused me: they say, I took it, until everyone slept. I roared from the insult, nobody believed me that I had nothing to do with it. The next day, such a ring began to wear the granddaughter of the teacher who went to the older group. "It gave me a grandmother!" She boasted on a walk. © "Overheard" / VK
  • In the 1st grade, we had a meeting with Gagarin on a green carpet in the house of the pioneers. According to rumors, there were some extraordinary toys, and even Gagarin! It was 1961. Everyone was told to come in a pioneer form: a white blouse and a blue skirt. I did not have a blue skirt - I was put on a checkered. The teacher said that those who were not in a pioneer form would not go anywhere. We had two such. The second girl burst into tears, and they took it, and I didn't go to this meeting one of the whole class. Many years have passed, I still have a shame and not clear what my fault was. © Muxa Sibi / Facebook

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  • When I was transferred to a new school in the 5th grade, I was unbelievable by a teacher in Russian and literature. One day, when we were handed over to the notebook with a proven dictation, my did not turn. The teacher accused me that I did not handle her, and flipped into the magazine. And somewhere in a week she brought my notebook, spilled coffee, and threw me on the desk with apologies: they say, found her at home, but a two, alas, no longer corrected. I still can not understand what I did it and what I didn't like it. © "Overheard" / VK
  • Once parents left me overnight in my aunt's house, so that she looked after me while they went to the party. I took a book about Harry Potter. Aunt simply took and burned it, and the next morning I made my mother and dad that they were "terrible parents", once allow me to read such literature. I complained to them on how unfairly aunt came with a book, but Mom and Dad answered: "Her house is her rules. Deal with it". It is worth noting that it was a book from the school library and I got from the librarian. My aunt did not apologize for my act. © Lucas Cornwall / Quora

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© Harry Potter And The Half-Brood Prince / Warner Bros. Pictures.

  • My mother and his sister often quarreled on trifles, but then quickly put up, and we didn't pay attention to this with a cousin, always played together. There was a holiday Easter, my mom worked on this day, I was at home alone. I came to my brother Vovka and said: "Let's go to us? We have guests, mom table covered. " And we went to them. It was festive and fun. At the table sat adults, there was our own with Vovka Grandma. Aunt, having seen me, splashed his hands: "Well, as soon as we have the guests and the table covers, so this is like here. Forever hungry. " All guests laughed. I jumped out the door and ran home, pouring into tears. I could not understand: why so with me? After all, she is my native aunt, and the native grandmother sat and laughed with everyone! Yes, my mother was at work, perhaps I wanted to eat, but I never walked around. I have forgotten everyone for a long time, but I still do not understand their hatred to me, a 7-year-old child. © Lily Mrsodol / Facebook

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© RecklesNes_ / Reddit

  • My parents divorced. My father sent gifts to all Christmas holidays and birthdays to my older brother, and I never and nothing. And when we grew up, Dad constantly called me and asked money, since I was the only one of his children who had a job. I blocked him. © ominousomnipotence / Reddit
  • I went to kindergarten. Once we were taken to music school to see the concert. And after the concert there was a quiz. I answered the question correctly and got a Barbie doll with white hair in a beautiful pink box. I didn't have such a doll before that, because we lived on the verge of poverty. And then we come into the garden, this doll is selected by the teacher and puts the walls on the upper shelf. For beauty. Play with her banned. So she stood before my release from the garden on that shelf. As I cried at night, I just got out! And my mother did not go and did not take away the doll, just promised to buy the same day the same. But I never bought. © Tianko / Pikabu

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  • Children's injustice, which I am still angry, is connected with how Grandma, the mother of my father, shared his "children" and "Pasynkov". Mom married dad when she had a 5-year-old me and my younger brother. Unfortunately, my grandmother did not consider adopted children with relatives. She constantly preferred to paternal children: gave my younger sister and the brothers special gifts just like that, and we, older, nothing. But thanks to this experience, I learned to be a good grandmother and do not share my relatives and adoptive grandchildren (my spouse has a daughter, and I have two children). My husband and I treat every child and grandchildren as a precious gift. © Cheryl Dwyer / Quora
  • When I was 8-9 years old, my mother took all my toys, books and video games, saying that I was not enough for them. I thought I could return my belongings later, but no: she threw everything and I never saw them again. © Carameldelighting / Reddit

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  • It was me 5-6 years old. Somehow in the kindergarten was a music lesson. We were set near the piano, and the teacher came out for a short time. All opened the tool and click on the keys. I, of course, too. As a result, only me was punished. Brought to the corridor. I was offended, got dressed and went home. On the street was the strongest blizzard, such that mom was released from work. I had to move the main road in the city, where the traffic light did not work. As a result, I got to the house. To say that mom was shocked - not to say anything. After 30 minutes, the teacher came running, and if I hadn't come out of the room, my mother would have thoughted her for my disappearance - she knows how. I still regret that I left the room. © Oksana Tsygankova / Facebook
  • I was the eldest of 3 daughters, and my parents have always forced me to look after the younger sisters. If one of them is hooliganila or not heard, guess who was to blame for this. I do not remember any time when I was not accused of their practices. I always loved my sisters, but I could not get rid of the feeling that I missed something. Just matured, I understood what big responsibility was put on my young shoulders parents. © Susan Jones / Quora

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© aleshakakogo *** / Twitter

  • As a child, I dreamed of a bike. And in 1997, on June 23, in my birthday, my grandmother's sister and her husband took me on a trip to another city to the market. And - about a miracle! - Let's go to the part where bicycles sell. One great looked, the second, fifth. Chose, tell me: "Well, for example, how, in your opinion, ok?" I, happy to ears, say, they say, yes, everything is fine, fountaining happiness, fun and positive - already splashing out of the ears. Relatives pay, and I say: "I will come home now, everyone will be surprised that I now have a bike!" And then I answer: "And this we do not buy you, it is for the lights (daughter of relatives)." I remember how I sharply fell silent and silent all the way to the house. Not crying, no. Just stupidly looked out the window. At home I went to the room and sat there all day. It was already 23 years old, I changed 6 bikes of different brands, but this moment will never forget. © WarmasterHorus / Pikabu

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  • I found a cool caterpillar at the playground, put it in the bank and attributed to his teacher of the natural sciences, which collects insects. For catching various beetles and butterflies, he put us extra points. Later, the teacher aroused me to himself and said that I would not get any bonus points, because another girl and her girlfriend assured him as if they found the caterpillar first, and I took it from them. Two against one. I looked like a liar. I lost additional scores and confidence of the teacher. © ImnotacrazyPerson / Reddit
  • In the 1st grade, on March 8, Mama made postcards. According to the teacher's sample: glue the flowers exactly in-point, break the frame and no amateur time. And it seemed to me unfair and boring. I chose a different color of paper, my flowers, the frame decided not by the line, but to portray in the form of serpentine - it seemed more beautiful to me, festive. Everyone got 5 - I was just scored. And my mother was offended and threw out a postcard, saying that I was lazy and did not try. I sobbed: "Mom, I wanted a special!" Artist, 30 years old. © "Overheard" / VK

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  • In the 3rd grade I was told that you can take part in competitions on running and jumping with a rope. I was without exaggeration was a master in this matter. After the start, I left my rivals far behind, but some strange volunteer judge was obviously a minor to notice this, so she rushed to one of my classmates with the words: "Well, this is my winner!" Under the terms of the competition, one of the judges chose the 1st place, the other - 2nd and so on. I was awarded 2nd place. When I returned to the podium, our teacher said: "Sam, you were clearly ahead." I was outraged to the extreme! © SAM Austin / Quora
  • My story happened in 2008. I was 8 years old, and the mother bought me a piggy bank to be "economical and thrifty." I put on the pyataks there, I asked them to everyone: both at the guests, and my mother, and at the stepfather, and dad after walking turned the wallet and gave me all the 5-ruble coins. All this lasted 6-8 months. Copy to the computer, I wanted to play. Once, returning from school, I did not find my money in the piggy bank, but I saw a new sofa in the hall. Mom said this is my "contribution" to our family. Since then, if I copied the money for something, then I did not know them and my mother didn't even know about it. © Iskander61 / Pikabu

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  • As a child, Mom often gave my toys to familiar and relatives, not asking for my opinion. As a result, only those things for which I fought and who were very expensive for me were very expensive, and this is 3 toys. And once the next relatives from the village came, and mom in my absence gives them my little blue hare - the memory of the first love from kindergarten. As she found it - I do not know, I hid him as it could. I still can not forget her words: "Well, it was necessary to give them something!" © "Overheard" / VK
  • I was 13. My parents disappeared money, a large amount. I knew where their cache, but never climbed there. And then my mother started to do with me: "Did you take the money? Admit! " And I did not take. She so tortured me with this question that I shouted in my hearts: "What are they burned, your money? Load! " And it seemed to her - "Yes, so that they burned, your money!" Oh, what happened here! I learned that I didn't earn a little young boy, I didn't earn a penny, there is nothing in this house and in general ... In a few days, the money was found: my mother herself rejected them a week ago and forgot. But no one apologized in front of me.

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  • I somehow class in the 7th found Parker handle on the street, cool. I remember, it was then in the store cost about ₽ 600. At the lesson, physics came to the teacher to ask something, and she began to write formulas to my handle. As a result, I left her without a handle, just forgotten. And only at home it understood. The next time it approached her, I look, and she writes to my handle. I say so, so, by chance you have forgotten her, and she answers, they say, I don't know anything, this is my pen. Well, I also left with anything. Since then, physician has never ceased to love, but I still remember this bad woman. © Nord2492 / Pikabu
  • In high schools, we came a new teacher very textured appearance. Then I dreamed of becoming an artist and could not miss such a person - painted at the lesson. The portrait came out excellent, so I gave the teacher. I then did not know that he had a vague character. Seeing his portrait, he decided that I laugh at him, grabbed the paper, my hand and dragged me to the director to complain. Fortunately, on the way, we met a military defense teacher. "Imagine," the historian began to complain, "she painted me! What would you do in my place? " Colonel so looked at him and replied: "I would put 5." I always remember this story with humor. Little not enough because of the invites to break your life! © Nino Orjonikidze / Facebook

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