15+ readers adme.ru told what parents are still very offended


Someone believes that child resentments need to just let go and finally forgive their loved ones. After all, it could be so deeply hurt and absolutely not with evil. But even with all the desire, such forgiveness is very difficult task. Especially when you, a small vane child, undeservedly punished those who considered the most native in the world.

We are in the adme.ru crushed over living hundreds of stories from our readers. And we hope that they will help learn a lot on other people's mistakes and become the best for their children.

  • Parents for a birthday gave me a gorgeous German doll. Luxury, long brown hair, blue eyes, white blouse, red vest, brown skirt, white golf and white shoes. And it was done not from terrible cold plastic, but from some kind of soft, pleasant to the touch of the material. I envied all the girls in the yard. And I just adored this doll and very much. When I was class in the 5th, I arrived my mother's sister with my daughter younger than me on 3. She really liked my doll, and the parents persuaded me to give it to her - they say, you're already big. Sticking the heart agreed. And a year later, a guest at the aunt saw, in which my doll turned into: disheveled hair in chopans, torn clothes and a person painted by a chemical pencil (ridiculous attempts to make a makeup doll). I already have 50, and I still remember that feeling. © Marina Dobrodeva / Facebook
  • I have not bought a dream dress - gave him a cousin, the latter was in the store. Until now, it is not indifferent to the dresses in the cell, and I already 40! Recently told mom, she was shocked: they say, why did not say anything. So you can't guess where the hell inflicted this very moral injury. © Tatyana Shleynova / Facebook

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  • My mother from childhood inspired me that I was ugly, I did not allow you to spin in front of the mirror. Yes, I was not a beauty, but there was a sociable, witty and erudite (for which the nickname of the walking encyclopedia received a nickname. But any manifestation of special attention to me from the boys in the end perceived as a mock. Of course, the complex developed. Despite all this, my life has happened well: I have been married for 45 years, 2 children, 3 grandchildren. But often I regret the absence of romance in the life and do not understand my mother's prohibitions. © Irina Mikitas / Facebook
  • I was a difficult child, so at a certain point it was decided to install the surveillance chamber in my room. Having learned about this, I didn't indignant a drop, although my parents were determined and even went shopping in search of an available version, but each time was returned with anything. Thank God, we had no money! © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • Dad gave earrings with ruby, the first earrings in my life, and Mom gave them to his brother's wife. I remember all my life, as it was hurt. And I would bother them just like many years the shore is a wooden carved box, a gift dad for 4 years. © Tinatin Musina / Facebook
  • 9-year-old niece (not mine, husband) dad's dad and lost everything that was there. She collected money for a whole year, and for her birthday she was also given money, $ 200 was. © Irina Valley / Facebook

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  • In childhood, in the morning, when Mom collected us to school, she made cream oil sandwiches, which for some reason always kept in the freezer. And the mother pumped a piece of oil with a knife and plucked him on bread. On my nagging about what you need to wait until it melts, and then you can smear beautifully, she answered that there was no time. I grew up and understand that there was really no time: my mother woke up at 6 am, gathered dad to work and prepared him breakfast, then walked me with his sister (and I often through the scandal, because I loved to sleep in the morning), braid braids , I stroked the school uniform, fed, sent to school and then went to work herself. But every time I see the butter, I remember those terrible sandwiches and the taste of ice cream oil. In general, I do not eat butter.
  • My mother was fed, a car came from the dining room. But one day this car is late. And so I came from school, and mom calls, they say, we did not feed us at work, bring us from the colleagues to eat. Why did she call? She knew that she had neither crumbs! Polish before colleagues? Well, since there was nothing to eat, and my sister and I prepared Vinaigrette. They themselves did not even file, jumped the saucepan in the bag, went. And now I come, and there it turns out, they have already brought food. Sit thick full aunts, puzo rubbing. Mom gets the vinaigrette, so these aunts were devoted to him, and one also condemned - kislyki, they say, there is not enough, the sauer-mounted cabbage had to put it (and there were salted cucumbers in it). We are so hungry and were all day. And the mother did not even ask if we had to eat. © Tatyana Dyachenko / Facebook

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  • I was 6-7 years old, and I told my mother some secret, which was very important for me (now I do not remember about it). I even made my mother give an oath that she won't tell anyone. A few days later I heard mom with a laugh told my mystery to his girlfriend. That's, I gave myself a word that I will never share with my mother. And the word kept it. © Lyudmila Volkova / Facebook
  • My uncle told how at his age of 15, when he worked for a month in a collective farm on a par with adults and received the appropriate salary, his mother took this money and delivered back to the collective farm. She said that he could not earn so much. Some small amount left on candy. © Victor Dzemizashvili / Facebook
  • The beginning of the 80s. I am 14 years old. I really wanted to dress beautifully. In the whole summer I worked on the bakery of the stycle of bread and earned for 3 months, as I remember, 376 rubles 17 kopecks. At that time, it was huge money for me, and I planned to buy a coat for my winter and boots for my winter (always wore things of older sisters), and what will remain, give my mom. I thought she was the closest person, and gave her the first money to her to save. Alas, I did not have updates. Mom spent this money on new clothes for younger sister. It has already been 40 years since, and the offense did not pass ... © Lyuba Іrina Sorokіn / Facebook

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  • I learned well, and I also went to rhythmic gymnastics. Once, being in the 2nd grade, I came home, and my mother sorely asks a soft voice: "Yulechka, what did you get according to the control in mathematics?" I: "Four". Mom throws next to me on the carpet of a book on choreography and contemptuously says: "Ungrateful, and I buy books yet." This theme of gratitude and bad daughter I still have a puncture. © Yulia Zelikova / Facebook
  • In the 5-6th grade came on vacation to grandmother. And I had a fabulously beautiful dress, I loved him very much. And everyone began to praise me, say, what I am beautiful in it. Even aunt and her daughter, which for the year younger than me. But my mom is suitable, takes off this dress with me and gives my cousin. They were low-income, and she apparently became sorry for her. I was very painful and insulting, but I could not argue: we were not ordered to argue with my mother. And yes, she was good. But this act still can not understand ... And I already for 60, I my grandmother myself. © Svetlana Golikova / Facebook
  • How many years I was, I don't remember exactly, I think about 14-16. I have a sister-weather. She was presented with a wristwatch, and Mom said that next year I would also give me a clock, as I would be as many years old as my sister now. But I did not give them. Sisters have a birthday, and mom rides to pour ears with her. And promises me that next year, in my birthday, I will also punish your ears. But this again did not happen. I believed my mother, but after stopped - quite. I am 40, and I have not been offended for a long time, but there is no confidence. I learned this lesson and never hand my daughter. © Irina Sokolova / Facebook

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  • Once a long time ago, when I was very small, bought me a big doll. And she always stood on the closet. And the cabinet was high. When I was sick, I gave me to hold it and take the hand. I remember even the sick wanted more often. I grew up, and a new doll still sits on the closet in my mom's house, fallen dust. I hate this doll. © Ta SHA / Facebook
  • Also there was a doll. Moms brought friends as a gift from the border. Sailing doll, with me grown. Solemnly presented, photographed with me, then Mom removed into the box with the words "break, dear doll". So lies already 30 years in the box at mom on the closet. My son also does not give up, they say, breaks. Of course, even if she lies somewhere, occupying the place, for no one. © Irene / Adme
  • My parents and close relatives are very good and moral people, but, like everyone else, with their disadvantages, with their life difficulties, each with their temperament. As a child, there were enough such stories with disrespecting, biting irritability, depreciation and double standards, which flowed into many complexes, highly understated self-esteem, pronounced sociophobia and long depression. But over time, it was understood that the relaxed relaxed somewhere, somewhere, there was not enough experience, somewhere severe life situations left the imprint; Forgiveness and some compassion came, there were strength to step over insults and seek points of contact. © amanogama / Adme

And your relatives made something in relation to you, what is still painful to remember?

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