Zyuganov told Putin about the elbow, privatization and elections

Zyuganov told Putin about the elbow, privatization and elections 4798_1

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov at an online meeting with President Vladimir Putin called to stop the privatization of MUPs and the GUPOV and led to the example of Novosibirsk.

"I would have stopped attempts to privatize Muses and Hups. Here we have one of the largest regions, Novosibirsk, the largest municipality, a million six hundred thousand (residents). For these years, we have been working for the elbow, built 50 kindergartens, 17 schools, reconstruction and doing a lot, "Zyuganov said.

In addition, the leader of the Communists opposed the elimination of voting on party lists:

"We have during the past elections due to the fact that the political system began to get a political system in large regional centers, neither the LDPR, nor we nor" Fair "did not receive a single deputy - the" United Russia "was held, because there are already party lists not. And this process of reducing party lists continues.

In my opinion, it is absolutely unacceptable, because the platform is cleared for those destructive forces that we recently seen in Moscow, but they will appear almost everywhere. Or we will strengthen the political system that has developed, or the situation will only exacerbate. It largely depends on you, because local authorities, seeing that the ratings were stunned, they begin to prepare this "hack of".

Putin asked in response - and isn't the issues related to the fact that we are completely discussed from this?

Zyuganov clarified that not completely, but the tendency was "absolutely wrong".

"Or strengthen the political system, and then it works sustainably, you have the opportunity to rely on the" big four ", or all this will spread out, and against the background of the crisis and this" Navalnyatina ", which we are dragging, it will be trouble, it's just unacceptable "," Said Gennady Zyuganov.

A year ago, the city council of Novosibirsk before the elections 2020 changed the city charter, canceling the voting on party lists. The new convocation of the city council in September last year was formed solely in single-member districts.

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