5 misconceptions about familiar rain


Good afternoon, my reader. Malina is a useful and tasty berry, which almost everything loves. The fetus contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Raspberry became available to people a few centuries ago, during this time there were many rumors and delusions around it. Here are the 5 most common myths about Malina.

5 misconceptions about familiar rain 4794_1
5 misconceptions about familiar rain Mary Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

Malina is a valuable source of vitamin A, B, C, RR, zinc, magnesium, iron, cobalt, etc. The fruits also contain organic acids, pectin, fiber. But this does not mean that the jam is capable of some miracles. The fact is that in the process of heat treatment, most of the beneficial substances are destructed, so in such a treat, like raspberry jam, there are very few. Moreover, it has sugar, so the benefits of such a product is questionable. In the summer time, raspberries need to be consumed in a fresh form. As for winter blanks, the best of them is raspberry, carved with sugar.

It is believed that in raspberry contains a natural antibiotic, which helps to eliminate headache and reduces the temperature. Acetylsalicylic acid has such properties. In the course of the research, it turned out that in 100 g of fruits there is a meager amount of this substance, only 1 g, while in one tablet aspirin it is 100-500 times more. For this reason, relying on berries at elevated temperature is impractical. But in any case, to exclude raspberries from the diet for the disease, it is not even because it is delicious and raises the mood.

5 misconceptions about familiar rain 4794_2
5 misconceptions about familiar rain Mary Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

Rollin bushes are prone to active growing, so they can deliver a lot of hassle on the garden plot. Quite often you can see an advertisement in which the raspberry tree is offered. The description states that raspberries grow as a tree and produces perennial shoots. But the life expectancy of raspberry branches is a maximum of two years. Under the guise of raspberry wood, marketers actively sell strambed varieties. They form upright shoots that are not inclined under the weight of berries and do not need a garter to supports.

Many inexperienced summer residents hope to receive crop raspberries throughout the season (from the beginning of summer to frosts). This is possible with a fruiting garden strawberry, but not with Malina. Selectioners have not yet been able to withdraw the variety that could be pleased with continuous fruiting.

Sometimes you can also hear that the middle band is not the best place for growing raspberries, as most of the berries on the branches do not have time to hate until winter. Such a phenomenon can be observed only if the shrub trimming was performed with errors or a variety was selected at a late period of maturation. The latter is relevant exclusively for the southern regions.

5 misconceptions about familiar rain 4794_3
5 misconceptions about familiar rain Mary Verbilkova

Raspberries. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

If the berries begin to flame, the dackets write off this phenomenon on a wild bush that can grow in the neighborhood. But the plant should not blame, because raspberries have flowers of both sexes, so they cost without an additional pollinator.

But to place a number of raspberry varieties is undesirable. The shrub has a powerful root system, from which the processes are departed at considerable distances. If you put them nearby, their roots can be intertwined. As a result, it is possible to incorrectly trim the bush and get a scant harvest, especially if we are talking about growing removable raspberry. To prevent such a nuisance, the bushes need to be placed at least 2.5-3 m away from each other.

Disputes are often conducted around these myths, but in any case, the raspberries must be included in its menu.

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