25+ facts about the group "Hands up!", Which is already a quarter of a century begets the whole country with juicy hits


In 2020, it marks 25 years old legendary group "Hands up!". Under their hits in the 90s and zero fell in love, parted, met the guys from the army and just love to light on the dance floor. We can say that "Hands up!" - This is a whole epoch who gave us hundreds of unforgettable tracks.

We in ADME.ru could not miss such a significant anniversary and decided to celebrate its selection of facts about the heroes of the 90s.

  • Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekin met on the Radio Station "Europe Plus" in Samara in 1993. Then Zhukov was the leading program "hit music", and Pothein led the heading jokes of "fun".
  • Soon they made a team called "Uncle Ray and Company". The group instantly became popular in Samara and Tolyatti. In 1995, the guys went to conquer Moscow.

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • They worked on DJs in Moscow clubs. Sergey Zhukov recalls: "We just arrived in Moscow, starved in a terrible. At night, DJsii, bought in the morning 2 "Damiraka", a bunch of bread. That's all we could take. On the eve of his birthday, I said: "Guys, you can ask for gifts not to give? Bring better products, frustral! "And one girl brought a stick sausage. I then realized that now every day I will celebrate with a scope! "

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • At the end of 1995, the guys passed the cassette with their songs on the radio "Maximum", and signed it like this: "This music will make you raise your hands up." After a couple of days, the leading Olga Maksimova and Konstantin Mikhailov set their song "Good morning," declaring: "Young group" hands up! ". The team consolidated this name.
  • Sergey and Alexey found a way out: they recorded on pirated cassettes with the music of famous performers for several of their songs at the end. So their compositions began to sound from many musical stalls.

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • They accidentally heard the musical producer Alexei Malikov and offered cooperation. From this point on, the career of the musicians sharply went uphill. In 1997, the duet released the songs "Student" and "Kid", at the same time they took clips on them. After that, the group began to give concerts throughout the country.

25+ facts about the group
© Jam / YouTube

Frame from the clip "Student".

  • Somehow Sergey Zhukov told in one of the interviews: "Once before the concert, the director of the stadium comes to me and says:" We have a request for you: when you fulfill the last song, send it not on stage, but go down and go through the audience. And as soon as the last word, I was betrayed, run in the opening, where you have departure. Because if you do not have time, the fans will ruin you. " I say: "Yes, well, stupidity!" And now I do the last song and see how the tribune already "slips" and moves to me. We resort back to the scene and see that the fans are running on us. 5,000 people! And even though girls, but still dangerous! And I had to climb under the scene so that we were not crushed. I then began to understand that love is a very terrible thing. "
  • Obsessed fans came to their concerts: they demolished the barriers, created a pressure. The artists often changed phone numbers, without necessity they did not go outside, and after the concerts changed out into the shape of a riot and ran out with the security forces in full uniforms to remain safe and unharmed.

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • At the beginning of its path, the group gave up 45 concerts a month, for each of them they had to receive $ 10,000, but Sergey's salary was $ 700-1,000, Alexey - $ 300-500. "When we came to the producer, he told us:" Here, look, the car has bought a new, foreign, I will carry you on an interview. " We answered: "Great, great." And we went to second to buy clothes. We played from each stall, were in the first places of all radio stations, they received all possible prizes, but we had nothing to pay for a removable apartment. "
  • Somehow Sergey Zhukov highlighted 3 terms of the group "Hands up!" Of the 1990-2000. The first is an honest approach to the viewer: "I did not invent anything, but sang about what really exists in the world." The second is the lack of cuff in clothing: "We dressed in the same markets as the audience." Third: "We were the heroes of their time. Now I would have "my baby" and "18 I already" would not need anyone. "

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • Alexey Potekin was for Sergey Zhukov Antiradar. "I came to him and said:" Lech, look, how do you like the line and motive? "And sang" my baby ". He said: "Horror, what kind of stupid melody?!" I thought: "Oh, it means good boots, you have to take!" "18 I already" I wrote in Tambour. Standing and thought: "Everywhere - already - a dubious rhyme, but, in principle, nothing, but what a hook of a piquant!" Returned in the coupe and say: "Leh, how do you?" He says: "Nightmare!" "Well, it means that He will hit, "I thought. So came out. "

25+ facts about the group
© Hands up! / YouTube.

Frame from the clip "18 I already".

  • Almost for each category of people, the group had their own song: "For a student audience, we wrote a song" Student ", for people in divorce -" You call him like me, "for those who are waiting for a guy from the army," My Baby ", Which subsequently even became a construction. In each of his song, we clearly and competently positioned some kind of topic ... We wanted to make music such that she brought some emotional joy and could sound on any fun events: on anniversaries, at weddings, on graduation. "
  • In 1997, the group released a debut album "Breathe evenly". He became a sales leader in Russia and even beyond. The second album "Without brakes" guys recorded 2 years later. He developed a circulation of 12 million copies on cassettes and CDs, a significant part of which were pirated.
  • The musicians put in front of them Superbate: Every May they produced the album so that the listeners would take him on vacation - to the cottage, south. It was the music that corresponded to the summer. "We were experienced psychologists and specially thought about which topic to compose the text to become popular."

25+ facts about the group
© Jam / YouTube

Frame from the clip "Kid".

  • The first and last track in the albums guys put their one hundred percent hit. This was done in order for the person, going to the musical stall and asking to include a new album "Hands up!", Heard the first hitched composition. And if he asks to put the cassette on the other side, then there will also hear the last memorable song. "Everything has been recorded that a person does not even have a desire to not buy our album."
  • Abroad about the Russian group "Hands up!" Learned at the beginning of Millennium. Then their song "Song" came out a bonus track in the TURBO DANCE MIX 2000 Vol. 2. Britney Spears, Scooter and other world stars took part in this CD.
  • All in the same year 2000, the German PBX group recorded a pen on the "Song". She began to be called Around The World (La La) and immediately broke into the TOP-30 American charts and top 20 English. Later, Sergey Zhukov admitted that the author's deductions were an order of magnitude more than the group received for the previous years of work: "I bought an apartment for the money received. He offered parents to move to Moscow, but they agreed only to a new car and repair in the old apartment. "

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • Not always "Hands up!" consisted of two guys. At one time it was the only soloist in the entire history of the group - Elizaveta Rodnanskaya. It is she who performs the very "song". Her voice sounds in the songs "Student" and "Move the Body".
  • On tour with the group Elizabeth could not ride, as she studied at school. The phonogram sounded, and imitated the singing dancer Anastasia Kondrykinskaya.

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

Alexey Potekin, Anastasia Kondrykinskaya and Sergey Zhukov.

  • In 1999, the Group ruined the contract with the producer and opened his music label "Daisher Muds" (B-Funky Productions). Within this label, not only they produced their songs, but also popular then "turbogors", "boys", Revalver`s, Shark, Aleksin. Then they first took part in the "Song of the Year" festival.
  • In 2002, the group released a clip on the song "He kisses you" with a bold at that time the video sequence, whose main character was traveleled-artist Anatoly Evdokimov. This move was designed for a shock and a blow to stereotypes that have developed in humans.

25+ facts about the group
© Hands Up / YouTube

A frame from the video clip "He kisses you."

  • In 2002, Sergei Zhukov began to produce the Factor-2 group, which immediately acquired the army of fans.
  • In 2006, Alexey Potekin left the group. In one of his last interviews, Sergei Zhukov admitted that the cause of their parting was the banal fatigue from each other. At some point, Alexey became for him "and his daughter and his wife, and a friend, and a pillow, and a gossip, and a pear for beating." In the end, they just ate each other. "

25+ facts about the group
© Sergey Zhukov & Hands up! / VK.

  • Today, Sergey Zhukov continues to perform in the group. Alexey Potekin created the team "Raise Hands up", which later renamed Power Band. Basically, the group gives concerts in small cities and villages.
  • Sometimes Zhukov speaks with his brother Mikhail, who, by the way, is very similar to him. And in 2016, at the solo concert, he performed a song with his son Angell.
  • In 2016, the group "Hands up!" He released a clip on the song "When we were young", in which the stars of the 90s and zero took part. Today on YouTube, this clip looked 65 million times.
  • In 2018, the group gave 2 Solnik in a row in the Olympic. Prior to that, no one from modern pop musicians managed to collect about 60,000 people on the most spacious indoor concert area of ​​the country, so it was a record.

What songs "Hands up!" Are your favorite? Maybe some of them are connected with some iconic events?

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