FTS creates a VIP inspection for rich


FTS creates a VIP inspection for rich 4756_1

Vtimes learned how FTS is going to work with rich people. For them, a special inspection will be created, they told two federal officials: people will be told by customers whose income exceeds 500 million rubles. in year. But the property values ​​will not be a prerequisite. FNS will be able to record in the new person's inspection and with less income.

The representative of the FTS did not respond to the VTIMES request. And the surveyed businessmen and managers of large companies saw risks for themselves in this idea: after all, the money loves silence.

The idea of ​​creating an inspection for VIP clients was discussed in the FTS many years ago. Now their declarations, data on income, assets and complex operations check inspections in the regions where they are registered. But there are not enough inspections on the ground, says a person close to the FTS: to assess the taxes of rich people need to be accurately understood, the beneficiaries of which companies, including foreign, they are. Therefore, before the new inspection, the task will be set to create a dossier on such entrepreneurs, he continues. To do this, it also uses the data of automatic exchange of financial information with other countries.

Russian tax authorities have already learned about 700,000 financial accounts of Russian tax residents abroad in the amount of more than 13 trillion rubles, told the head of the FTS Dmitry Volvach. Now such data is in the district inspections, their inspectors do not always know what to do with them, the tax service officer complains. And employees of industry inspections on the largest taxpayers, although they have access to the declarations of the owners of the company's checked, but cannot be checked separately. They study the incomes of shareholders paid by the company's checked company, and usually there are no violations there, Denis Chukin is explained there.

Outbound checks of people are conducted extremely rare, additional information (for example, a bank account operation) is requested in coordination with the higher tax authority. Although the schemes in which people are involved, many, says a tax consultant of several large customers, a variety of income can be transferred to the accounts of KIC in offshores, such as bonuses.

The quality of the examination of district inspections is not always high, notes the managing partner of TaxAdvisor Dmitry Kostalgin. For example, at the end of 2020, the tax authorities tested people with foreign accounts and those who work through foreign brokers tells him. Inspectorate tax requested from those who have already done or who have no taxable income at all. The new inspection will check the declarations more consciously, hopes Ey Marina Belyakova's partner.

Obviously, the centralization of these wealthy people will strengthen control over their income, the Senior Lawyer of Tax Practice UFG Wealth Management Roman Isakov does not doubt. How exactly the work of the new inspection will be arranged, it is not yet clear, but in the budgets of the regions the changes will not be affected - the taxes transferred to the new inspection of people will continue to enter the budget at the place of their registration.

Similarly, the control over the largest companies - they are attributed to interregional or interdistrict inspections, depending on their income, but by decision of the FTS and more "poor" company can be considered the largest taxpayer.

How the FNS checks people

In January - November 2020, the tax authorities held 41 on-site inspection of people (excluding individual entrepreneurs), in 37 of them violations were identified. Dincinquent was a bit - less than 500,000 rubles. taxes, fines and penalties.

Business to the idea is still suspicious. Inspectorate will be created in the FTS, where all data on the richest people will be kept, says the chairman of the board of a large Russian company: "Of course, these are huge risks, money is loved by silence, and everyone is calmer, when the income checked ordinary inspectors, and not sharpened specialists " "I do not get under the threshold, but the topic is not healthy," the head of one of the Russian companies responded to the idea, and two more owners of the Middle companies refused to even comment on the topic. And although many may not get under the criterion, such income, as a rule, is stored in the funds, traasts and other structures abroad, but, apparently, the task of this inspection is just to figure it out, the company's plan says.

There is nothing new in the creation of a specialized inspection, this is the trend of recent years - to expand industry directions, says the former head of the department in the FTS and an employee of one of the Russian companies from the Forbes list. The only good news for business is to receive better services. Although the price of these services can be very high, the title of large company is.

Trust in power in Russia is not very high and the first reaction of wealthy people will rather negative, not surprised by Belyakov, the consequences of large tax detitsings are including criminal liability, no one likes to attract attention to themselves. The main thing is that in practice, the creation of such an inspection led to more predictable tax issues, it concludes.

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