40 thousand people took part in the project "I open Nizhny Novgorod"

40 thousand people took part in the project

40 thousand people took part in the project "I open Nizhny Novgorod" from January to December 2020, the press service of the governor and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region reports.

The project was timed to the 800th anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod. He was supported by the "team 800" and the presidential grant fund. In total, 152 educational institutions from all areas of the city took part in it.

"The project turned out to be large and exciting. As it is realized, new plots appeared. The project participants made a huge number of audio guides and photographs of the city. Schoolchildren wanted to reflect their views on the city and show themselves. But the points of growth were also revealed: the level of local history in schools can be significantly higher when the approach to teaching is changed. Nizhny Novgorod On the eve of his 800th anniversary, a textbook on the history of the city is needed, and published by the great circulation, so that he will be from each student, "Alexander Serikov said the head of the project" I discover Nizhny Novgorod ".

There were seven directions in the project: "I am promoting the bottom", "from home to school", "says Nizhny Novgorod", "My family in the history of Nizhny Novgorod", "I see Lower", "The Future of Nizhny Novgorod" and "Signs of Nizhny Novgorod" "

So, in the framework of the competition "Cool Guide" of the project line "From home to school", more than 20 thousand author's excursions were created by school students. In addition, within the framework of the action "Say Nizhny Novgorod", audio guides were recorded and 449 tablets with QR codes were placed on the objects of cultural heritage and sign objects throughout the city. It is known that these work will be included in the Cribs on the Nizhny Novgorod collection and the project participant's workbook.

139 videos were also created about significant objects of the city, almost 13 thousand works were written on the contribution of schoolchildren's families to the development of Nizhny Novgorod and to achieve victory in the Great Patriotic War, of which 450 were chosen by the best, and 118 entered the jubilee special issue of the magazine Nizhny Novgorod. Labor valor. " In addition, Petersburg blogger Paul Pepper held a master class "Art to be a blogger." In addition, the participants offered 3,352 projects with ideas for the development of the city.

40 thousand people took part in the project

Also within the framework of the project, there was an online quiz on the history of the city, in which more than 5.1 thousand schoolchildren and 1.2 thousand adults took part in the month. Participants who scored more correct answers were awarded memorable gifts and diplomas of the governor.

During the year, the photo exhibition "I see Nizhny Novgorod" was also held in Nizhny Novgorod, the works of which could be seen on the screens of "smart stops" and monitors in public transport. It is known that 3,450 photographs were shown, of which 150 the best became part of the street exhibition on the fences, installed around the construction site of a new house on the Uppervolzhsky Embankment.

And within the Lecture of Nizhny Novgorod 800+, 16 lectures were organized and master classes on various topics from the famous personalities of the city, bloggers, photographers, journalists. The final event, the lecture was the online lecture "The Role and Meaning of Nizhny Novgorod in modern Russia" of the head of the city of Yuri Shalabayeva, the number of listeners of which reached 3,500 people.

Recall, the "team 800" takes projects up to 100,000 rubles and ideas that can be finalized to a full-fledged project, until March 1, 2021.

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