Let's talk

Let's talk 4734_1

Yesterday, Zherik had hysterics.

Yesterday, Zherik had hysterics. God, how he shouted, swore and cried. What we, fools, spoiled him all the mood, and that he now does not love us now.

I shouted to the nanny. Well, at me, at the same time. Because I, sffuur, at the very last moment I got. Educator. And made him some remark. Type, how are you talking to the nanny?! And as a result, also hit the distribution.

And there were no wives. She was at work. And there was no one to help us cope with this misfortune ...

And so, he shouts. And we are to him and so and the Edak. And we offer him on the handle. And on the shoulders. And play anything. In short, we exhort how we can. And we try to calm down. And, at some point, when it became obvious that everything is in vain, and our attempts do not lead to anything, I already decided to try to take a little rigor. Type, Zhorik, well, you can not yell like that! And even more so - to calln ...

And this finally spoiled the whole thing.

Because after that, he jumped out due to the table, once again called us all the fools (and, by the way, was right), ran up. She slapped the door of the door. And closed in the bathroom.

And he continued there, but not so loud, scream, swear and cry.

And I tried to calm him some time. But already - through the door.

Although long ago it was time to guess what I do something wrong. And not that. And what we need to talk to him about something completely different ...

And when my forces were already on the outcome, I decided to pause. And go to the pharmacy nearby. Thank God, I asked my wife in the morning. And I drove. In order not to go crazy finally.

And so I was driving and thought. And why did not even ask him to ask him to ask him: "Zhorik, and what happened? And why are you so angry with us? What did we hurt you? "

Why in my head I like was clear that he simply drives some kind of garbage. And he himself still does not understand what he says. And that it is necessary to just calm down. Or, at worst, approve.

Why? Because he is only 3.5 years old? And what is it still stupid ?! nonsense some ...

I know for sure that for me the most important thing in such a situation. So that I was asked: "Glory, what's wrong?"

And least I need to calm me. As if, not seriously taking, my insult and anger ...

I am back. Zhorik was still in the bathroom. And still did not let anyone. But no longer shouted. And just silently. And lonely sat in her shelter.

I sat under the door. And said: "Zhorik, my noodle, my good. Tell me what I offended you? Let's talk to you ... "

Sues 15 nothing happened. He, as if, hid. Listening.

And then ... he turned the latch. Opened the door. And let me go to myself.

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