New musical show "Music intuition" spreads the boundaries of an entertainment format

New musical show
New musical show "Music intuition" spreads the boundaries of the entertainment format PRSPB

TNT television channel launches "musical intuition" - a new gaming format, in which humor, intellectual quiz and vocal show are mixed. This is a musical project with a fresh for Russian TV Waib. It can be viewed to listen to good music, laugh with the participants, test your intuition and see their emotions, which will then disperse on the memes and videos in Tiktok.

A person can become anyone who likes to sing, but does not necessarily do it well. After castings, producers selected bright and charismatic personalities with voice and without. Now the top artists of different genres and directions will try to guess which the participants really sings

New musical show
Music intuition PRSPB.

In each issue of 6 star guests who are divided into two teams and try to recognize powerful vocalists for prompts of the leading Azamat Musagaliyev ("Where is the logic?", "Once in Russia"): Facts from the life of participants, distorted demos and so on for four rounds show.

New musical show
Music intuition PRSPB.

In the final, the captain of the star team will sing a duet with a participant who will choose himself, not knowing his vocal data.

Azamat Musagaliyev, a leading "musical intuition": "This project is different from all musical shows on the Russian TV intrigue. Stars concepts have no, who are in front of them: Real artists or just lovers who are not against, after work, go to karaoke. They need to trust intuition, be attentive and even to show detective abilities to point out the one who accurately falls in all the notes. "

New musical show
Music intuition PRSPB.

Konstantin Obukhov and Danya Pronyakina, creative producers: "You have not seen such a number of stars and such emotions from them in any teleport. A mixture of a music show and a detective game will make comedians and singers revere. They will argue with each other, worry for each decision, and then dance along with protruding for all favorite hits. At the same time, it doesn't matter, the participant has a participant on the stage by vocal talent or goes past the notes: none of the jury will remain indifferent. We are confident, the audience will experience the same emotions sitting at the screens. "

The premiere of "musical intuition" will be held on TNT television channel in February.

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