Fasten as on the selection. Best varieties of large-scale tomatoes


    Good afternoon, my reader. The breeders tried to glory - if earlier gardeners boasted tomatoes in 200-300 grams in front of each other, now any kilogram tomatoes can grow on their bed. The dimensions at the same time do not affect the taste of the fruits - even the largest copies inside contain a gentle sweet pulp. We offer to get acquainted closer with large-scale varieties of tomatoes - the article describes the top ten of the best representatives of culture.

    Fasten as on the selection. Best varieties of large-scale tomatoes 469_1
    Fasten as on the selection. The best varieties of large-scale tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    The shoots of the early-scale intederminant variety bring the crop of large (weighing from 350 to 600 grams) slightly flattened fruits, externally reminiscent of red pumpkins. Tomatoes are collected in a bunch of 3-4 pieces, covers their tender skin, from damage protecting poured flesh with juice. The latter has a sweet taste and spreads a pleasant fragrance. The fruits of the red giant are used in the preparation of various juices and sauces (for example ketchup), consumed fresh. It is impossible to preserve the entire tomatoes, they are not suitable for long-term storage.

    In the height, colorful bushes reach 2.5 meters, separate instances can grow up to 5 meters. Plant requires steaming and tapping to the support. It is possible to grow the described variety both in the greenhouse and in the fresh air. The shoots of the Red Giant are easily opposed to the pathogens of diseases and the lack of moisture is not afraid.

    The rich raspberry color of the fruits of giant pear in the form really resemble the fruit mentioned in the title. The weight of tomatoes can reach 200-400 grams, they are collected in a bunch of 3-4 pieces. Inside the fruits contain a dense sweet pulp used in the production of puree and juice. You can use tomatoes and fresh. The fruits of the intederminant middle-timed grade are perfectly stored, long supports an attractive appearance.

    Low (up to 1 meter high) strambed type bushes to the ground are inclined under the weight of the raspberry color of fruits weighing from 350 to 400 grams. Under the skin-made yellow stripes, they hide the fleshy meat puffed with a sharp juice containing a large amount of sugar. The fruits of giant roses can be transported, freshness is saved for a long time, do not have the properties to crack. You can use them fresh or canned.

    Fasten as on the selection. Best varieties of large-scale tomatoes 469_2
    Fasten as on the selection. The best varieties of large-scale tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Grow the mid-freed variety in the open soil or under the protection of film shelter. The plant is unpretentious and not prone to damage to diseases.

    The speaking name variety received due to the unusual form of fruits. The bright red tomatoes assembled in the brush of 5-9 pieces can weigh from 200 to 350 grams, under thick skin hide a dense flesh, containing a large amount of sugar. Use it in the preparation of baby food, various pastes and sauces. The fruits of a giant subtle tomato can be used entirely, transport. They are suitable for long-term storage.

    Under dense yellow-green skin, rounded fruits of a giant emerald hide fragrant sweet pulp, the taste gives her fruit notch. The weight of tomatoes can reach 200-400 grams, they use them both fresh and as part of a variety of juices and sauces.

    Fasten as on the selection. Best varieties of large-scale tomatoes 469_3
    Fasten as on the selection. The best varieties of large-scale tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    In the height of the shoots of the middle-edged half-readerminant variety reach 1 meter. Culture is designed for growing in a greenhouse or open soil. The plant is not afraid of stresses, stepsing and pinching does not require.

    Each branch of a powerful shrub to the Earth will tear under the weight of 2-5 red fruits weighing from 400 to 1500 grams. Painted tomatoes in her pinkish color, in shape resemble an inverted cone. The meal is contained inside with juice, it has an appetizing taste and aroma. Use it in the preparation of pastes and sauces, consume both fresh. The commodity view of the fruit of the giant bull heart is not preserved for a long time.

    Among the thick foliage, the ranges of the middle-timed variety are hiding large (weighing from 300 to 400 grams) rounded fruits of bright red color. They are collected in the brush of 3-4 pieces, under thick glossy skin hide a dense pulp. The fruits of the Urals can be used in the production of canned products, they are good and fresh. Tomatoes retain freshness for a long time, are not subject to damage during transportation and are not cracking.

    Gorge the hybrid in the greenhouses. Unpretentious grade of gardeners appreciate the ability to resist the pathogens of common diseases and immunity to stress. A powerful shrub needs to form and pinch, he is needed to steaming and tapping to the support.

    Two meters reaching two meters, the bliss brings the crop of large (weighing from 300 to 450 grams) slightly flattened fruits covered with dense skin. Inside, tomatoes contain a refreshing flesh, spreading a pleasant fragrance. Use them in a fresh form or in the composition of all sorts of juices and pastes, it is possible to use the fruits of the intederminant variety in the manufacture of canned products. Tomatoes are perfectly stored and can be transported.

    A medium-bed hybrid for breeding in greenhouses and greenhouses is intended. Krasnobay does not fear diseases and pests, the shoots of this variety require tapping to the support and pinching.

    Small (150 to 250 grams weight) rounded cavalcada fruits are collected in a bunch of 4-6 pieces. Covers the tomatoes of a saturated scarlet color of the skin, under it hiding a sweet pulp. The fruits of this early hybrid are used in the production of sauces and juices, eat and fresh.

    Grow cavalcades both in greenhouses and fresh air. Diseases shrub is not afraid, but weaknesses still has - for example, the lack of moisture and the impact of high temperatures may have badly affecting its development. The plant needs to be tested to the support.

    Reaching in a height of 2 meters of income enterminant hybrid bring the crop of fightened ribbed fruit weighing about 450 grams. The mass of individual copies can reach 2 kilograms, inside these healthy contain puffy flesh with juice. Tomatoes are suitable for recycling, good and fresh.

    Grow culture in greenhouses. The Russian size does not fear to reduce temperatures and shading, easily opposes the pathogens of common diseases. The only misfortune, from which this late satiety is not protected, is phytoofluorosis. Shrub is needed stepsing and formation, tossing to the support.

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