In the top 100 of the subject rating QS included 16 Russian universities


According to the Russian newspaper, the QS-2021 substantive ranking published today was 40 Russian universities, 16 of which project participants 5-100. The tops also included 16 higher educational institutions, including 10 project participants 5-100. In the entire history of the rating, this is a record number of Russian universities located in the top 100 of the best universities in the world in their subjects. Over the past 7 years, the number of universities of the Russian Federation in QS ratings increased 20 times.

In the top 100 of the subject rating QS included 16 Russian universities 4679_1
In the top 100 of the QS subject rating, they entered 16 Russian universities /

It is noted that the Moscow State University (Moscow State University) named after M.V. again became the leader among Russians. Lomonosov. The university is located in the hundreds of the best in 20 subjects and directions, and six turned out to be at the top 50. We are talking about "natural sciences", "linguistics", "physics and astronomy", "oil and gas business", "mathematics", "modern languages" and "philosophy", "informatics", "chemistry" and other directions. At the same time, Moscow State University became the best and one of the most significant assessment criteria - academic reputation (91 points out of 100 possible).

In the TOP-50 on the subject of "Politics and International Studies" (41th place), the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) is located.

45 Place in the mentioned subject occupied the Higher School of Economics (HSE).

On the 12th place in the world ranking on the "mining" St. Petersburg Mining University (SPGU) rose. This is the highest (in its subject area) place from Russian universities.

The Moscow Physico-Technical Institute (IFTI) was also in the Top 50 for Physics and Astronomy.

On 10 positions, the Moscow Conservatory (MGK) named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (the brightest jump in its subject area).

It is worth noting that out of 213 programs of the Russian Federation in the QS 2021 subject rating, 124 are presented by universities participating in the project 5-100. The prestigious list compilers are talking about the significant success of the university of the project, both in terms of ranking and the growth rate of the positions occupied. At the same time, Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) became the best in terms of rated in the ranking of educational institutions of the Higher School (TPU).

Recall that QS rating is almost 14 thousand educational programs, 1500 universities from around the world, 51 subject, 5 subject areas. Analyzed criteria, on the basis of which the assessment is made: the academic reputation of the university, the demand of graduates, citing scientific articles, the index of Hirsch employees. In this case, the importance of individual criteria in different subjects is different, in connection with which each of them is its own weight scale.

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