Morning digest "He": a pedestrian crossing will be erected in March, the numbers changed "EP" on "LDPR", new departments and other results of the day

Morning digest

We will tell you about the past events, but still relevant events that you may have missed.

The founder of "Orelgrada" Vlad Numbers headed the Oryol branch of the LDPR. On the elections in the city council, he walked from "United Russia"

The founder of the edition "Orelgrad" Vladislav Nizlov became the coordinator of the Oryol branch of the LDPR. The corresponding decision was signed by the leader of the party Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Previously, the coordinator of the LDPR regulation in the Oryol region was the novel of Neversov - the only representative of the party in the city council of Eagle.

Distributed debts and distorted statistics: KSP revealed multi-million violations in the State Unitary Enterprise "Road Service"

The Chamber of Completion Chamber of the Oryol region checked the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise "Road Service" in 2018-2020. Violations were identified 364.7 million rubles. The first thing that the auditors noted is a decrease in payables. Until 2020, she really had a tendency to increase. And in the first half of the 2020, on the contrary, a decrease of 32.7%. The amount of payable debt as of July 1, 2020 amounted to 270.5 million rubles. For the period checked period, overdue payables decreased by 1.8 times. Check details here.

Slychkov divided the department of construction, fuel and housing and communal services, transport and road facilities for two new

Governor of the Oryol region Andrei Klychkov signed a decree on optimizing the structure of the executive. According to the document, from February 10, the Department of Construction, Fuel and Energy Complex, Housing and Communal Services, Transport and Road Economy of the Oryol region ceased to exist. He was divided into two new departments. The first was called the Department of Road Economy, Transport and the Implementation of State Construction Programs of the Oryol region. This structure will do all except housing and utilities. The second is the Department of Housing and Communal Services, the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Energy Saving of the Oryol region. Employees of this structure will monitor the areas of housing and communal services, electric power engineering and energy saving. The numerical composition of these two departments is still unknown. They will be submitted by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Oryol region on infrastructure development Igor Tinkov.

After the incident on the Red Bridge, Klychkov declared the opening of a temporary pedestrian crossing ahead of time

After the incident on the Red Bridge, Andrei Klychkov declared the opening of a temporary pedestrian crossing ahead of time.

"As promised, I took the course of the red bridge reconstruction. I will note that a serious amount of work was done for a small period of time, the tramway disassembly is being done, the formation of a pedestrian zone is being done. Already in March, we plan to open a temporary pedestrian bridge, "wrote tooths.

In Orel covered large contraction alcohol production

In the Oryol region, a large batch of non-marked alcohol products seized from illegal turnover. Counterfeit vodka, brandy, brandy with a total value of more than 300 thousand rubles were prepared for sale. Three Orlovtsy from 42 to 64 years from 42 to 64 years are held as suspects in the case. Men illegally produced, stored and subsequently sold alcohol. Law enforcement officers seized about thousands of glass bottles with volumes of 0.5 and 0.7 liters that do not meet the requirements of GOST, the labels of Russian manufacturers of vodka and brandy without federal special brands, as well as more than a ton of ethyl alcohol in plastic canices designed for further implementation. All this was kept at the addresses of the accommodation of the defendants, in economic buildings, garage boxes, and vehicles. A criminal case was initiated under paragraph "A" Part 6 of Art. 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Production, acquisition, storage, transportation for the purpose of marketing or sale of non-marked alcohol products subject to mandatory marking of excise marks or federal special brands committed in a large amount of a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy or organized by the Group." Suspected threatens imprisonment for up to six years with a fine of up to one million rubles.

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