The deceived shareholders of all the long-term developer "Petrostra" will go to the rally


The deceived shareholders of all problematic residential complexes of the company Petrostra will be gather on a coherent rally on Saturday, March 27. Citizens require completion of houses in the shortest rows and bringing responsibility.

"The amount of kidnapped money shareholders is enormous (" Petrostra "imputed theft of about 5.2 billion rubles - approx. Red). If you pay attention to LCK LAMPO, where money makers should be on escrow accounts, then these accounts are empty. Money of people who bought apartments from the developer, not translated on escrow accounts. According to other long-term, which are built on the old rules, the delays in the delivery are already 2-3 years. We need measures at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation to finally resolve the issue with deceived shareholders. Cut-off features and appointment of those responsible in each region. There are a lot of people who deal with this problem, ranging from the miner, ending with officials in the regions, but WHO and now there. No responsible. Petrostroy shareholders are a new wave of deceived shareholders, which formed after the pre-election promises of the president to put an end to everything. All this situation stretches for the second ten years, "Alla Andreeva comments, the representative of the shareholders of the fourth stage of Lomonosov LDO (Petrodvorts).

As noted in the construction block of the Government of the Leningrad region, on March 11, the meetings of the headquarters were held for three objects of the company Petrostra: "The shareholders together with the developer discussed the schedule and the course of work. Yes, work is very slow, but they are not stopped on any LCD. The situation is on the control of the prosecutor's office - representatives of the supervisory department participate in each meeting. The regulators of the region as far as possible provide all the permitted assistance to the developer in the delivery of the most prepared sections of the LCD "Mainland" and the LCD "Pure Creek".

Plucked the shareholders to decisive actions and the fact that on March 21, the General Director of Petrostra Dmitry Ipatov was detained when flying from Pulkovo airport. He had to fly to Zanzibar for rest. However, the Moscow District Court did not arrest the detainee, arguing that the "consequence did not provide objective data that the Ipatov could hide from the investigation and court bodies."

"Deterlers, of course, are satisfied that he was not given to fly away. Employees who behave this case in time understood the situation with Zanzibar. But most likely the operational events were not yet fully conducted, and they did not have time to work as a sufficient base when Ipatov decided to go to Africa. Of course, they thank you very much for your attention to our service and not indifferent attitude - they could give him to calmly get out of the country. It is quite logical to assume that Ipats should directly respond to what happened and is happening now, "said Alla Andreeva.

We will remind, "Petropho" at the moment there are residential complexes of LCD "Mainland", LCD "Pure Creek", "Northern Waltz", Lomonosov (Petrodvorts) and Lampo. Last week, a criminal case was brought at the developer. According to the investigators, the developer stole 5.2 billion rubles, invested by participants in equity construction to the construction of houses. This, as experts noted, the biggest amount that the developers of the region was charged: earlier the "championship" was at the leaders of Unisto-Petrostal - 2.7 billion.

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The deceived shareholders of all the long-term developer
The deceived shareholders of all the long-term developer "Petrostra" will go to the rally

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