In China, they told about the rocket, which should run the taikonauts on the moon


The attention of the entire scientific world is riveted to the Chinese lunar program, which develops a rapid pace. Middlewealth has not yet have a rocket capable of delivering a taikonavt to the Earth satellite. Its creation is one of the main tasks of the Space Industry of the PRC.

The former head of the Chinese National Space Department (CNSA) Luran Entjie was told about the progress of work on a promising carrier. According to him, the launch vehicle's new generation, capable of running a 100-ton payload, mainly completed its feasibility study and entered into the last phase of receiving state approval. "We work out issues related to the start of developing a heavy launch vehicle during the 14th five-year plan (2021-2025)," said specialist.

Although Luran Entjie did not mention the official name of the carrier, the Chinese space experts with whom the Global Times newspaper, suggested that it was most likely a long-awaited Long March-9 missile.

It is known about this carrier for a long time, but the detailed characteristics of the rocket are still not clear. According to the data presented earlier, it will be able to withdraw about 130 tons to a low reference orbit. Are considered (considered?) Two alternative variants of the carrier missile: scheme A - with kerosene-oxygen and scheme B - with solid fuel accelerators of the first stage.

If everything goes as planning in the miserable, expect the first piloted expedition to the moon in about 2030.

In China, they told about the rocket, which should run the taikonauts on the moon 4639_1
Long March-5B / © DefenceTalk

It is worth saying that the Americans have advanced further in the development of new super heavy rockets. The Lunny Space Launch System carrier has achieved a high level of readiness: the first launch can be expected in the autumn of this year. In addition, we should not forget about the active tests by Spacex Demonstrators of the StarShip Space System. Recall, watch the broadcast of the future startup you can on our website.

As for Russia, the prospects for the superheavy of the "Yenisei" missile are quite foggy: it is impossible to exclude a complete abandonment of its construction.

Source: Naked Science

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