Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not

Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not 4638_1

From October 15 to December 20, MKU "Customer Service of the Urban Economy" (SZGH) adopted and paid the roads of snow cleaning for a total of 17.7 million rubles, another 10.4 million were spent on anti-gear-headed materials. However, the first substantial snow in Nizhny Tagil fell only on December 21.

According to the acts of the work performed, which were signed by the Director of SZGH Boris Morovy, in the period from 15 to 20 October, road builders, in the face of MUP Tagildarstroy and its subcontractors, have worked with plug-in snow plows by 518 thousand rubles. During these 6 days, anti-gear-based materials were poured in the amount of 4.7 million rubles.

In the period from October 21 to November 20, 3.4 million rubles were paid for cleaning roads from snow by road drivers and plug-in snow plows. Another 6.1 million was purified from snow of pedestrian crossings and approaches to them, stairways, as well as sidewalks. For the axle of antifungal materials on the road and sidewalks paid 5.6 million rubles.

In the period from November 21 to December 20, the cleaning of roads from snow cost 3.3 million rubles, pedestrian tracks and transitions of 4.4 million, and treatment with antifungal materials in almost 4.9 million rubles.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the winter snow in Nizhny Tagil was practically not.

Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not 4638_2
Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not 4638_3
Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not 4638_4
December 4th

So much snow fell in the city on December 10

December 15.

In the pictures it can be seen that even the existing snow, which has already been mixed with mud, no one removed from the road.

According to Gismeteo weather archive, in December in Nizhny Tagil, the first snow went on only the 21st. In November, he was observed 5 days, in October - 2.

In fairness it is worth noting that the road machinery still passed on some roads - this is evidenced by a small shaft on lawns.

In addition to work with snow and antifungal materials, for the period from October 20 to December 28, 10 million for the purification of lawns and autopavilions from the garbage was paid from the city budget "Tagildarstream" from the city budget.

We will remind, earlier we showed how the MCU "Customer Service of the Urban Economy" signs acts of work performed and pays for them, although they were actually not done.

Who do roads in Nizhny Tagil

In the summer of 2020, the MCU "Customer Service of the Urban Economy" was played by a contract for a two-year content of the road-street network of Lower Tagil worth 781.5 million rubles. The only participant, respectively, and the contractor was the municipal enterprise Tagildinstroy. Compared to the previous period, the maintenance of the roads went up by 18%: a month, the company should learn 32.5 million rubles. or 1,085 million budget money per day. Part of the road was given to the subcontract.

UBT-Service LLC for 156 million rubles will be engaged in the content of the streets of the shared extent of the roadway 103 km. "UBT-service" is a subsidiary of UVZ and has its own park of road machinery.

A new company appeared on the road market. Kapitalstroy LLC received 78 million rubles from Tagildorstroy. Companies gave one of the most remote streets of the city: among them the northern settlement, the mine. III International and Some Tagil Building Roads. Total length - 78 km.

The Kapitalstroy company with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles was founded in December 2016. Director and founder is Pavel Kurenov. According to the accounting statements, until 2019, the company practically did not behave, but in 2019 the revenue jumped to 235 million rubles. It is known that a significant part of this amount is the work as a subcontractor MUP Tagildinstroy for the repair of roads within the National Project. According to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, 3 employees were listed in the company in 2019. In 2020, Kapitalstroy from MUP again received a repair of 3 streets with a total value of 30 million rubles in a subcontract.

Does "Capital Troop" have a cleaning machinery in the property - it is unknown, but in the project of the Tagildinstroy contract indicated the requirement that the subcontractor should still attract contractors in the amount of at least 50%. Kapitalstroy was associated with other companies, which also receive work from the municipal Tagildorstroy for tens of millions of rubles.

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