Moskvich presented an alternative metro development scheme

Moskvich presented an alternative metro development scheme 4638_1

While the Moscow authorities think about to combine new lines under residential houses and not cause strong popular perturbation, enthusiasts offer their own options.

"When there is nothing to do, you begin to fantasize. If there is a free time, then fantasies can gain a visual look, "says the author of the scheme (@loader_blog), calling himself a metro-extrietary amateur. It would seem, a lot of experts in the city, but in the presented version, it is the number and painstaking of the work done - what is called, with knowledge of the case. The author used all the available materials, from pre-project discussions of already existing lines and photographs of tunnels to rare videos of travel according to the service and connecting lines of the metro, which theoretically can also be used.

As a basis, the projects of future lines were largely taken, the traces of which were already actually approved, and in the center - already discussed decisions (for example, the possibility of transplanting to the Arbatsky-Pokrovsky line with the "China-Cities"). If you describe the project shortly (you can read in detail here and here), then we are talking about underground "chords" (unlike automotive from such benefits will clearly be more). The author offers four:

- Molzhaninovo-Nekrasovskaya (from the North-West through Timiryazevskaya, "Alekseevskaya" and "Roman", and from there to the "Nizhny Novgorod" and in the existing non-Neksov line);

- Rublevo-Biryulevskaya (based on two projects of future lines: Rublevo-Arkhangelsk and Biryulevskaya);

- Skolkovo-Yaroslavskaya (from Skolkovo through the "Slavic Boulevard" and stations in filia, collecting on the way to Mytishchi "Karamyshevskaya", "Falcon", "Timiryazevskaya", "Fonvizynskaya", "VDNH" and "Rosokino");

- Troitsko-Balashinskaya (along the Troitsky line, further through the Technopark, Kubjukhovskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, Perovo and along the Enthusiast Highway right in Balashikha).

Separately, the author is considering the Philev-Hapduna line. Its composition according to the plan should include "Exhibition" and "International" (in this way, the branch of the phileus line is eliminated), "Aleksandrovsky Garden" and "China City", not built stations on the distillation to Taganskaya. And from the center - already in Kapotny, where the subway is very expected.

To implement such a grand project, a lot of desire will need and, of course, money - even by the standards of the Moscow Metro-building, this is a huge infusion. The subway in Balashikha and Mytischi expect a long time ago, but not Muscovites (periodically return to the plans, so here the prospects are quite real.


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