In early March, the traditional Fair "Kazyuki" will pass in Grodno


Show your work, share experiences and meet with colleagues artisans will be able at the beginning of March. In Grodno, the traditional Fair "Kazyuki" will pass.

In early March, the traditional Fair

Annual festival takes his beginning in Vilnius and there is one of the brightest and interesting things. Traditionally, the fair is held in the first weekend of March and is dedicated to the patron of Vilnius - the Holy Casimir. In addition to Lithuania, the festival is held in Poland and Belarus, therefore, there is always a national flavor and a variety of craft products. The tradition of holding "Kazyukov" in Grodno existed for a long time, but then disappeared without a trace, it was revived only in 2001. Since then, masters from all over Belarus come to grodno, many artisans and traders from neighboring countries also take part. This year, the epidemiological situation has made adjustments to carry out almost all large-scale festivals and competitions. Not held last year the festival of national cultures was postponed to the next - festival of Orthodox chants. But "Kazyuki" will pass by the usual schedule. There are several reasons for this, the organizers say: the first is, of course, even if the pandemic decline and adherence to all security measures. The fair will go outdoer, and visitors and participants will inform about the need to use personal protective equipment, writes "Grodno Plus".

Kazimir Zovidinsky, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Poles of the city of Grodno:

- On March 6, there will be an official opening at Soviet Square at 12 o'clock. I want to say that in the old tradition we will treat all artisans and people who will come to our fair, hot tea, donuts. Plus a concert will be organized. Concert of the ensembles of Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian, so it will be fun.

Today, about 100 applications from artisans from all Belarus arrived at the fair in the fair. Products from flax, glass and ceramics, paintings and souvenirs for every taste - all this is waiting for everyone who decides to visit this festival. By the way, it is symbolic that the event will take place on the eve of the female holiday - March 8. Those who have not yet decided on a gift for their favorite ladies will be able to find something suitable at the fair. Such a souvenir, at least, will be original and unique.

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