Hams Fish and Amulet Hams. What do they have in common?

Hams Fish and Amulet Hams. What do they have in common? 4626_1
Hams Fish and Amulet Hams. What do they have in common? Photo: Depositphotos.

Each Hams has its magic and popular in its own way: Hamsa Fish is appreciated in cooking, Hams-amulet - as amulet and decorations.

In general, they only have a name, and it is pronounced in different ways: the fish - emphasis on the second syllable, at the amulet - to the first.

What is so popular and unusual Fish Hams? First of all, the fact that it has become famous for a long time not like fish meat, but as seasoning.

Hamsa, or European Anchovy, is one of the types of fish of the Anchoous family. This is a small fish, no more than 20 cm long. Her body is covered with a thin, easily falling scales.

It is powered by plankton crustaceans and phytoplankton. The fish itself serves as feed for pelamid, herring, pike perch, whites, dolphins and sea birds.

Hamsa is found in the East Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas, in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia. In the summer, it comes to the North, Baltic and Azov seas.

The main way to prepare Hamsi - Soletia. The taste of fresh fish is no different anything different, but after the salting becomes sharp, spicy, fishery disappears. When adding to dishes, this fishing gives them a pleasant taste.

Hams Fish and Amulet Hams. What do they have in common? 4626_2
European Anchovy Photo: Depositphotos

Anchovies add to sauces, salads, snacks, main dishes, baking. Also, this fish is fry, boiled, make minced meat for the kitlet, pies, stew, stuffed with her olives.

What attracted cookies and gourmets Hams, understandable. Now let's get acquainted with the decoration and amulet Hamsa.

Translated from the Arab word "Hams" means five. First of all, it should be noted that such a magic accessory was among the peoples of different cultures from ancient times.

Hamsa is a revealed symmetric palm, in the center of which is the eye. Sometimes instead of the eye, the square, fish, the star of David, month is depicted. In some nations, palm is decorated with patterns, others - pebbles, prayers.

In Islamic countries, Hamsu is called Fatima's hand, and also consider the symbol of five basics of religion: faith, mercy, prayers, pilgrimage and fasting. The name "Fatima's hand" came from the legend who sneaks devotees.

Hams Fish and Amulet Hams. What do they have in common? 4626_3
Hamsa photo: carlesva, ru.wikipedia.org

What features is the image in the center of Hams?

  • The eye enhances protection against the evil eye and damage.
  • David's star protects against the impact of dark forces.
  • The month attracts good luck.
  • Fish promotes family well-being (such an amulet is intended for newlyweds).

Prayer, drawn on the amulte, enhances its action.

In the time of the Paleolithic, as the archaeological finds show, the open palm was in ancient people a symbol of protection and blessing.

On the Christian icons of the saints are often depicted with a raised palm. Indian parishioners Brahma welcomes open palm.

The indigenous people of America believed that the open palm contributes to the development of clairvoyance. When excavations of the Indian burials found the palm with the eye in the middle.

Hamsa is made of any material, sometimes made of metal. It is believed that the metal with its smooth and mirror surface reflects the entire negative from the owner, which is directed to it.

Almost all amulets present blue or blue color. Often Hamsu was decorated and decorated with precious stones, and the stones should be blue, blue or azure. Especially exquisite and elegant looks Israeli amulets.

Hams Fish and Amulet Hams. What do they have in common? 4626_4
Hamsa photo: Depositphotos

Knowing a sense in the overalls are advised after the acquisition of amulet to activate it. To do this, take a bowl with water, a pinch of salt and a candle. Hamsu needs several times from both sides to carry over the candle, sprinkle with salt and sprinkle with water.

Lovers make gifts with their own hands can make the original souvenir, for example, on the occasion of the professional holiday fisherman or culinary - Amulet Hamsu with a stylized image of Hams's fish in the center.

Author - Lyudmila Belan-Chernogor

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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