How to create compliments?

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How to create compliments? Photo: Depositphotos.

Based on the vocabulary article, the compliment is a nice thing: praise, courtesy, courtesy, recognition and even flattery - in the good sense of the word. Who must know and be able to say such words? All! But you most needed to people in close relationships, and first of all in love.

Sometimes one of the spouses in the offense to another: the words are affectionate will not wait! And if not everyone knows the necessary words, they do not know how to speak them, did not hear them in their families? What is the matter - you need to teach them in advance! How? That's how we did - the godfather of the mother on both sides of the marriage.

The wedding is preceded by the boyfichnik. For some reason, these days are considered to be the last days of freedom, bachelor life. But we presented the first days of a new life and included in the program of this holiday the preparation of cribs with compliments (in options for the bride and groom).

The newlyweds are very necessary for tomorrow. Even more more than in the candidate bakery period. And it would be good that they would not only hear mutual friendship, but also spoke the rest of his life. And every day - different, one of the other gentle, more beautiful!

For life, do not have enough stock, but 365 options are quite. We have connected everyone and all: hand at the wedding of the bride and groom beautifully decorated brochures with compliments tips. And we did! Dressed the book in Lace, small photos cut out, the kisses were painted, the Waltz Mendelssohn was prepared.

Our bride and groom did not recognize this secret, the cribs were a surprise, an excellent, cheerful wedding gift! Their value will appear later, but the compliments were tested right at the wedding. Tamada beat the moment.

Where to gain compliments, gentle words, and even such - beautiful, maybe earlier and not heard?! Irresistible, in one word! Remember, invent, invent, lend books from the heroes of books and films, take from songs and poems, to rephrase ... But without such here: "My Banaka, I am your basin ..." We have a serious business and at the same time gentle! Although…

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Photo: Depositphotos.

You can fall into a stupid if you read what kind of gentle words, the famous Russian writer of his no less famous Actressive wife spoke. Exposures seized from the context of letters: "... My good, crocodile my soul; My insect is insect; Zamhrenha; My lovely face; Tarakash; Kozhenka; My frog. " And so about a hundred unusual words, said, must be assumed as compliments, recognition. And the general list is large, diverse, and it would be possible to unleased it like this: "My miles." In short, compliments are intimate.

It was, of course, and immediately a ready-made list to give the participants of the Bachelovnikov, but it is not so interesting. And it is useful to them! We suggested the themes, areas of life, the surrounding world, where you can find beautiful comparisons worthy of our second half.

Complimination form? One word or phrase, whole phrases, rows and couplets. Kisses are not rebored!

What are the compliments devoted to? First of all, the beauty (as a whole or the individual place of the body). For example: Clear eyes, silk hair, agile handles fingers ...

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Photo: Depositphotos.

You can compare your half, for example:

  • with birds: by lightness and speed of movements \ vote melodiousness;
  • with flowers and sings: in tenderness and beauty;
  • With water bodies: burgher streams \ bottomless lakes;
  • With celestial objects: Sun \ asterisk \ cloud \ angel;
  • With precious stones: gold \ diamond \ treasure \ jewel.

You can admire and talk about skills and skills to care for me and after me, for the house, to count finances, talking about manners and listen, to quickly converge with new relatives and in general with people, translate the conversation with a bad on good, to be a tactful person.

The compliment can be celebrated the readiness, talent, the ability to not litter the house, not to be broken and not to pass, do not find fault, not to show a bad mood.

How best to start compliments? Yes, just:

  • I love you because ...
  • I envy myself, because ...
  • I was lucky with you - you ...
  • I want everyone to know that you ...
  • You are my soul \ song \ light in the window ...
  • And you know what beautiful children from you will be!
  • You are such a needlewoman!
  • You have a good taste!
  • You cook like that - arrangement!

The leading bachelor cards were guided by all statements, the most active prizes were handed over. When the fantasy is over, they began on each letter of the alphabet to make tender sayings. And the numbers used: a thousand times a kiss for ... / Every day I am ready to have your delicious cake ...

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Many compliments can be drawn up even with a denial: as well, that you do not quit ... you do not forget ... you do not expect reminders ... you are not late ...

When presenting the crib at the wedding, Tamada forced young people to practice, offering them the game in the challenges in gentle words:

  • Tenderness, miracle, sparkling, sweetie, doll, Rosinka;
  • Prince, my hero, sunshine, treasure, handsome, the only one.

For the beginning, the cribs helped, and then the guests connected. Was all! I think our books have already been replenished with compliments destined only for one ear.

Compliments are just words, yes? But we all know that the spoken warm and gentle, in time, eyes in the eye or in the eye, they may not just strengthen and save relationships, but to restore them, prevent a catastrophe of love.

Author - Love Dubinkina

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