Navalny fined 850 thousand rubles in the case of slander on veteran


The judge on the results of the meeting will send the Materials to the SC to verify the possible insult to the bulk of the Navalny Court and the prosecutor.

Navalny fined 850 thousand rubles in the case of slander on veteran 4559_1

On February 20, the court recognized Alexei Navalny guilty of part two of article 128.1 of the Criminal Code (slander). According to the judge, his fault is confirmed by the testimony of Veteran Ignat Artömenko. The judge stated that he fought and was injured. "He would like Navalny to apologize to him, as he did all his life without disinterestedly," the judge said.

Artemenko, in the slander, which was accused Navalny, appeared only at the first meeting of the court on video call. He said that she could no longer participate in hearings for health. The court came to the conclusion that Veteran gave testimony at his own request. True court considered the testimony of his grandson Igor Kolesnikov.

The judge will also send copies of criminal case materials and meetings for procedural checks. Probably it is about checking on the fact of insulting the judge and the prosecutor during the process, which the prosecutor of Ekaterina Frolova requested, writes "MediaZona".

The penalty must be paid for three days after the sentence taken into force. If the bulk does not pay it, the amount can increase. The penalty of Navalny was appointed to the state of state, the prosecutor said.

The prosecutor asked to finf with an oppositionist for 950 thousand rubles. During the process, Navalny repeatedly accused the relatives of the veteran in the fact that they "traded their grandfather." Before the announcement of the sentence, the politician has pronounced the last word.

The criminal case of slander against Navalny opened on June 15, 2020. The reason for this was the comment of the policy to the RT roller on approval of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In Him, Ignat Artömenko, including veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Navalny responded to the video, calling his participants with "dumpling", "sales of calers", "people without conscience" and "traitors".

According to investigators, this comment "contained obviously false information, disclosing the honor and dignity of the veteran." Thus, Navalny "pursued the goal of spreading slander among a wide range of persons."

RIA "Novosti" in June reported that the pensioner was bad when he learned about insults from Navalny. The relative of Artemenko then stated that "law enforcement agencies should respond to the lunge."

At the end of 2020, the punishment for slander on the Internet tightened. Now for it, in addition to fine and mandatory work, it may face imprisonment for up to two years. The lawyer of Navalny Olga Mikhailov explained that the deprivation of freedom in the case of slander did not threaten it because of the time of the execution of the act, which was imputed to him in the guilt.

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