How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor


The main task of the Taoist Practice of Fen-Shui is the control of the energy of Qi - natural strength, filling universe and man. If you decide to make your apartment more comfortable for life, thanks to Feng Shui, start with the main room at home: Kitchens!

Main rules for exercise on Feng Shui

To make sure that negative energy does not accumulate in the kitchen, and the positive energy of Qi freely flows through it - let's start with the test of fundamental, basic things:

Location. If you only choose an apartment or build a house, it is recommended to arrange space for cooking away from the entrance door. At a minimum, the door to the kitchen should not be opposite the entrance to the apartment. Housing is already there and the entrance to the kitchen is located incorrectly? If possible, keep the door closed.

The floor and ceiling level. On the main horizontal surfaces of the room, it is important to avoid drops - protrusions, steps, niches, beams. Any jumpers create a barrier to move the energy. Place the floor, the ceiling is better as simple as possible.

Filling. The principle "Do not hold in the house of the trash" concerns all rooms in the house, but for the kitchen he is most relevant. It is in this part that the unnecessary household items accumulate, overdue food and other "wealth", which take energy from tenants. Take time for the racking of all corners: refrigerators, boxes, shelves, servants. Throw or distribute things that do not bring joys or no longer used. Be sure to get rid of all the broken: a cup of not only ugly, but also nonhygienic.

Order. To let in your life well-being, it is not enough to throw too much. According to Feng Shui in the kitchen, it is important to maintain cleanliness: Get the habit of washing the dishes right after eating (or fold it into a dishwasher), once a day, wipe all the surfaces, maintain a stove and oven in the working condition (this is the center of the house, the source of the energy of the fire).

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor 4528_1

Creating a favorable atmosphere is a comprehensive process. 4 main points - only the beginning of the path. Get ready for work on the color gamut, placement of furniture, rethinking decor elements.

What color should the kitchen be?

In the context of Chinese philosophy, the color of walls, furniture and accessories is fundamental.

If the color of the kitchen on Feng Shui is incorrect, whatever clean it is - energy will circulate incorrectly.

The main rules are not to provoke quarrels and accumulation of negative energy, reduce the use of too dark or screaming colors. For a harmonious picture, they are balanced by light, neutral.

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor 4528_2

However, extremes, which tint can be used in the kitchen, and which is not no - does not exist. It all depends on which side of the light the kitchen will be located. Each direction has the main element determining the choice of color.

Metal or air: West, Northwest. All neutral "metal" tones: white, gray (like light, so dark), black.

Water: North. Any shades of blue: blue, indigo, sea wave color.

Earth: Northeast, Center, Southwest. Try to choose brown, sand, beige, cream, yellow colors.

Tree: East, South-East. Green kitchens on Feng Shui in the south-eastern zone is not the only one that can be used. The trees have another trunk, so the shades of brown will also help achieve harmony. Avoid colors from the metal category.

Fire: South. The brightest sector. Prosperity and well-being guarantee flame shades: red, yellow, orange, purple. It is forbidden to use blue, coal tones.

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If the design solely in the colors of a certain zone seems too active, do not be discouraged. As a basis, you can always take a neutral white, adding it to the decor in the desired shades.

How to locate equipment and furniture?

The second most important question is how to place everything you need in the room? Unmistakably selected location on a hairdry shui for a kitchen headset, sinks, refrigerators, tiles - balance warranty between fire and water, wood and metal.

Read also rules for the placement of furniture on Feng Shui

The zone map with the designation of elements is used not only to the entire apartment as a whole, but also for each room separately: that is, in the fiery kitchen, there is a zone of fame (fire), and from the North - a career zone (water energy).

Stripping from how the room is divided, choose how to place each separate item.

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Running water is favorable for the northern, eastern, southeastern zone. Therefore, to equip the place for washing dishes (including washing or dishwasher), as well as washing follows in one of 3 locations.

It is undesirable to use water in the south, southwest, northeast room.

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor 4528_5


The element, symbolizing the fire, will in the best way in the southern part of the kitchen. Since the fire feeds the Earth, the hearth is also located in the southwestern, northeast or central part (for example, on the island).

Definitely you should not embed the cooktop in the table top in the north.

The second principal moment is a window. Next to the opening zone cooking do not do - otherwise, family well-being will literally "fly away" to the street.

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This kitchen device can simultaneously be a symbol of the Earth (large size) and wood (if the refrigerator is high). Plus white, gray - metal energy. Based on this, the solution to deliver can vary: in fact, it is possible to store storage of products in any part of the kitchen.

More importantly, the filling of the refrigerator: keep it clean, throw away the spoiled products in a timely manner, bought fresh.

The refrigerator is a kind of "wallet" of the house, so it is recommended to keep it filled and preventing inside of other people.

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The appearance of the workplace is more important than the location: dangerous sharp corners, open storage areas are not welcome. Cabinets should be closed, forks, knives necessarily hidden. If the shelves are made - we recommend putting round, cylindrical containers on them.

The dining area is permissible to equip in any corner. The appropriate table is round or oval, with a wooden table top. Glass must be covered with a tablecloth, because Food (wood) and glass (wind) are opposite by effect.

Choosing the size of the countertops orient to the size of the kitchen and the family size: it is desirable to have enough space to all residents at home at the same time.

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor 4528_8

Where is the best place for the kitchen in a private house?

Read also recommendations for designing a kitchen in the house

If you are just starting to build a house, then make a plan so that the kitchen is in the south. According to Feng Shui, the kitchen symbolizes the fire, so the south side is preferable.

The north-eastern, southwest side are permissible, both belong to the elements of the Earth that feeds the energy of the fire.

Uniquely unfavorable direction - North. Water and metal are destroyed under the action of a flame: therefore conflicts will be guaranteed in the apartment.

An important question is to combine the kitchen with residential space (living room). From the point of view of Taoist practices, a popular open layout is unacceptable today: the specific energy of the cooking zone is incompatible with a rest room.

If there are no other options, install a static partition or portable screen in the kitchen-living room, select different wallpapers, floor coating. Zonail two territories with different color combinations, lighting. Hang the hood, turn it on every time during cooking.

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor 4528_9

What is important to know about decor and plants?

Decor in the kitchen arrangement is needed - decorations balance energy, help to correct architectural or designer flaws from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Suitable options:

Accessories with kitchen topics. Bundles, pepper, garlic, fruit baskets (edible, not artificial!), Still lifes, curtains and other textiles with a picture of dishes, products. Observe the measure: Too large number of elements overloads space.

Live plants. Room Flowers on Feng Shui can not be put on the windowsill or near the sink - wealth, happiness, health will be destroyed outside the house. The best place is on the cabinets, countertop. The shape of the leaves is an important factor when choosing plants for the kitchen. Straight, sharp enhance the energy of fire, round - smooth.

Pictures. This universal accessory is able to change anything, depending on the drawn story. Is the kitchen located in the unsuitable northern side? Choose a red poster or with a picture of fire. Want to balance the overabundance of a flame tree? Prefer landscapes. You should not post marinistics in the kitchen, scenes of disasters, photos of prey animals.

Mirrors. Apply solely to correct errors: for example, the slab cannot be installed opposite the entrance. But if otherwise it will not work out, hang the mirror over it so that the hostess can see the included in the room.

Musical accessories. Bells or wind music at the entrance will ensure the health of family members and prosperity in the house.

How to equip the kitchen on Feng Shui? - Detailed guide from the choice of color to the location of furniture and decor 4528_10

Designing a kitchen in compliance with all the requirements of Feng Shui - the task is not easy. In order not to spend a lot of time on learning all the nuances, consider at least the fundamental principles: the location of the main elements, maintaining cleanliness and order.

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