Secrets WOT. What is "Exchange of Drawings", how best to do


Why not spend accumulated drawings? At what rate and how will the exchange of drawings be drawn on the days of the premium account, the elements of the appearance or training materials for the crew members? In this article about all this and something else.

Secrets WOT. What is

Exchanged drawings

Finally, wargaming introduced the opportunity to change the accumulated fragments of the drawings on valuable property. A whole store will appear, where the drawings can be bought rather steep things. This is 2D-style, and the days of a tank premium account, and crew members with a martial fraternity and experience for another perk, and training brochures. Prices, it is quite possible, will still vary.

Secrets WOT. What is

Suppose, for 20 universal fragments of the drawings, you can buy one 2D-style "to the stars". Style, by the way, not bad, looks quite worthy. This purchase is available once.

10 universal fragments can be exchanged for 1 day of the tank premium account. This option is available twice.

Secrets WOT. What is

5 National Fragments of the USSR can be exchanged for 1 crew, which will have a combat fraternity plus one free skill. And 10 of the national fragments of Germany per member of the crew, respectively, Germany, which will also be a BB on default and one free skill. This feature will be available 5 times for both nations. Well, 10 crew members in the hangar will not be superfluous. Another 5 national fragments of the USSR can be exchanged for one training brochure, a clear case, also the USSR, and one national fragment of Germany for one German training brochure. This feature is available 3 times for both nations.

This store will only expand, and do not forget that it will act only a strictly limited time, dedicated to the output of the patch 1.12. So it makes sense to prepare for this Inta.

What is the idea of ​​developers

How easy it is to guess, the essence of the innovation is purely economic. Drawings bring losses to developers, as they give the opportunity to players not to spend gold on pumping tanks. And Golda is the main article arrived wargaming. Moreover, from a certain point, the drawings have ceased to be a deficit.

Accordingly, there was an urgent need to come up with a way of voluntary withdrawal of these very drawings at the community. And he was immediately found - now players are happy to make all their accumulated drawings in the exchanger, after which the new will be much more difficult to accumulate, from the awards they will begin to disappear and in the final result to acquire them will be possible only in a premium store.

So before purchasing it is worth a hundred times, do you really need to spend such potentially valuable resources for some "candy"?

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