The problem of lack of branching in rural areas is concerned by the Majilismen


The problem of lack of branching in rural areas is concerned by the Majilismen

The problem of lack of branching in rural areas is concerned by the Majilismen

Astana. January 27th. KazTag - Madina Alimkhanova. The problem of the lack of veterinary doctors in rural areas is concerned about the deputy of Majilis Gulnara Bizhanov.

"In almost every Aule of the Karaganda region, residents persistently raise the issue of lack of veterinary doctors and veterinary points on the village. Similar requests were repeatedly directed to me on Facebook account from representatives of other regions. This problem is not Nova. Rural vetner, which stands on the advanced line to combat dangerous infections, as a result of numerous reorganizations, declined, "said Bizhanov, voicing the deputy request for the Prime Minister of Askar Mine on Wednesday.

She emphasized that the inaccessibility of veterinary care may be a threat to the health of people.

"Periodically in the country there are outbreaks of dangerous and for the person of infectious diseases. For example, in the summer of this year, from a viral disease called an inadulinary dermatitis fell a significant amount of cattle. Horses this year also affects the viral disease, from which the legs rot. But this meat can get on the tables. What are the consequences, you can only guess, "she said.

In addition, the deputy noted that rural residents take loans for their own business to buy livestock. If the cattle is dying due to the lack of timely veterinary care, farmers are in debtabal.

According to her, veterinarians have no elementary conditions for work.

"The veterinarian currently does not have a certain status, the salary is low, does not correspond to the actual labor intensity, danger. There are no single price lists, no elementary conditions for work. For example, in the Karaganda region as of the beginning of last year, in 90% of rural districts there are no buildings of the unpacks with the relevant infrastructure, "said Bizhanov.

In this regard, the deputy suggested introducing veterinary doctors to the list of civil servants, at the level of akimat in rural settlement districts, allocate regular units of state veterinary doctors to provide public services and consider a single load rate for the branch and a single price list for veterinary manipulations.

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