The draft Russian scientists will help in creating capsules for address delivery of drugs

The draft Russian scientists will help in creating capsules for address delivery of drugs 4512_1
The draft Russian scientists will help in creating capsules for address delivery of drugs

Melamine cyanool is a compound of melamine, colorless crystals, and cyanuric acid, very inexpensive components. However, there are still many questions about the mechanism of molecular organization at different stages of crystal growth. "Our work on an interesting effect: Variating the ratios of the initial components, it is possible to regulate the process of formation and the appearance of the Cyanurate crystal of Melamine," says the Savior of the Research and Curator of Educational Programs of the NCC Freakhemia of the University of ITMO Alexander Timraliev. - We considered the process of forming a supermolecular complex of cyanurate melamine.

Its education directly depends on the local concentration of components. It turned out that precisely control of proportions allows us to control the growth of crystals and implement other substances in them. " Basic calculations scientists conducted in the IFTI, the experimental part was held in the Laboratories of the NCT FIRM ITMO University. The researchers studied how a change in the concentration of one of the two components affects the process of formation of the melamine cyanurate.

The draft Russian scientists will help in creating capsules for address delivery of drugs 4512_2
Melamine cyanurate crystals in polarization light. Source ratio of components 1 (melamine) to 3 (cyanoic acid) / © From the archive of scientists University of ITMO

Working with cyanorate melamine can be useful for delivering biomolecules and are convenient for creating techniques for the introduction of drugs into the crystals similar to it. This will allow scientists to effectively carry out experiments on the targeted delivery of drugs - technology, thanks to which in the future, drugs can fall directly in the "target", that is, specific tissues of organs, and not allocated throughout the body.

"We plan to carry out model tests with many organic molecules, for example, with antibiotics by Tetracycline type, explains Alexander Timraliev. - All supermolecular structures, especially cyanurate melamine, are very similar in its formation on how DNA is formed. If you manage to deal with the control of the formation of these structures, we can move to the area of ​​the chemistry of the birth of life. The first steps have already been made. " The results of the work are published here.

Source: Naked Science

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