This is not a toy. Why a kitten or puppy is not the best idea for a gift

This is not a toy. Why a kitten or puppy is not the best idea for a gift 4493_1
This is not a toy. Why the kitten or puppy is not the best idea for the gift Anastasia Ageev

February and March are the most festive months a year. By the number of reasons for feast and gifts, they can only compete with December. Valentine's Day smoothly goes into losing popularity of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, and in March the season ends the eighth number is the most profitable for flower shops for the holiday. In recent years, animals have been added to traditional presents - increasingly women, and men give a little dog, a cat or a turtle. Recently this tendency, kindergarters and all those who are not indifferent to the alarm. Together with Maria Lenjneva, director of the All-Russian Association "The Welfare of Animals", Time Out disassembled why the pet is not the best gift for February 23 or March 8.

Animal is responsibility

"The decision to acquire a pet should always be suspended and conscious. A person must clearly understand that in this way he completely takes responsibility for the life of another living being. What now he is forever connected with him. It is a realization of responsibility will not give a person in the future to abandon the dog, a cat or a hamster and leave it on the street. What can probably happen if the animal is purchased spontaneously or received as a gift, "Maria Lenznev comments.

Maria is divided not to the most fun statistics. Every year in Russia on the street there are from 10 to 20 thousand animals, depending on the size of the region. Most of them are pets from which they refused because the owner or tired, or did not cope with the duties and responsibility.

The choice must be conscious

According to volunteers and people who work in shelters with dogs and cats, it is necessary to acquire the animal only when you have a clear idea where, in what conditions and how it will exist. Can Alabai be comfortable to live in a small apartment in a residential area of ​​the big city? Is it worth a cat, if there is no glazing on the balcony? Who will look after the pet during the owner's departure? Before you make an animal, you need to honestly answer these important questions.

The poor ecology of large cities and the constant absence of the host also affect the mental and physical health of the animals. To stay healthy, pets need constant contact with nature, man and society.

Therefore, experts call on the inhabitants of megacities to be honestly weighing everything in and against, leading the animal into a small apartment in a newly built high-rise building.

How to understand that you are ready to make a pet

Materials on this topic are actively producing media in European countries. In the UK, make a dog if you live in a separate house with your own fabric, is considered a bad tone and disrespect in relation to the animal.

Darite not an animal, but emotions

What remains to those who dream of pleaseing a loved one and give him an unforgettable emotion from communicating with the four-legged friend? There are many alternatives for them.

First, there are many applications where the owners ask for help with walking dogs or cats and seek places for overshadowing their pets. The booked walk can be an excellent alternative to the acquisition - it will give the same emotions and real experience of communicating with animals. In addition, it will help to decide whether your desire really make a pet sincerely.

Another option is a trip to the shelter or to a volunteer organization that takes care of animals left on the street. In shelters, cats and dogs always need attention, care and care, and volunteer assistance is the only possibility for animals in the shelters to interact with the outside world and socialize.

If, after a trip to the nursery, the desire to find a four-way friend does not disappear, but will only grow up, you can always pick up the animal home, having excited not only yourself, but also a lonely dog, a cat or a turtle.

In good hands: whom you can pick up from shelters March 3-9

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