Cyclone "Volker" captured Central Russia - what is happening in Vladimir and neighboring regions


Today, February 12, the residents of Vladimir will be remembered for a long time. Our city fell under the power of the cyclone "Volker".

By evening, a snowfall intensified in the city, utilities with snowfall until they could handle. Public transport in Vladimir walks with interruptions. And during the difficult weather conditions, a major accident occurred in the region. According to "Vladimir News", because of the accident, even had to overlap the movement on the M-7 highway.

A similar picture in neighboring Ivanovo. According to the "Ivanovo news", the city turned into a solid plug.

As clarified in Ivanovo traffic police, movement is hampered on most motorways. In particular, traffic jams are observed on Lenin Avenue, Sheremetevsky Avenue, Builders Avenue, Textiles, as well as Strejnevskaya and a number of other streets of the regional center.

The traffic police strongly recommend drivers to comply with high-speed mode, as well as the requirements of road signs.

But in the very center of Caluga cyclone, Kaluga suffered from him today. As the "Kaluga news" write, the Horuprava was reported on the entire Friday, but it became only more.

Currently, the blizzard continues, a strong impetuous wind reigns on the street, a gym. The courtyards will notice, especially where they are not clean, and there are a lot of such.

According to the correspondent of "Kaluga news", electric trains are delayed, trucks are stuck on the roads. Kaluga's urban head Dmitry Denisov introduced the mode of high readiness due to snowfall.

A similar situation in other cities of the Central Federal District. So, in Tula, the snow goes almost all day. In the situation I had to intervene the governor Alexei Dumin. According to Tula news, he conducted a meeting on eliminating the effects of snowfall in Tula and the areas of the region.

The head of the neighborhood noted that for a number of forecasts, snowfall will last two days.

- At this time, for interdepartmental interaction, I decided to create a working group of an operational headquarters in the region on the basis of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia of the Tula region. From the regional government he will be headed by my deputy Sergey Egorov, from the Main Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - his head of Alexey Pavlov, said Dumin.

The operational Staff of the Tula region, together with the Situational Center, is instructed to quickly consider and analyze the appeal of citizens. However, the townspeople do not yet see the result. In social networks

: They simply brought snow.

Motorists have to throw a car on the road, which is fraught with evacuation on the stradition, or park cars in drifts. Some have to be taken for shovels after unsuccessful parking.

Also because of the snowfall in Tula not everywhere you can see the markup and tram rails.

In Orel on February 12, there was also a serious snowfall, which provoked serious traffic jams in both the morning and in the evening. On the cleaning of snow a day, on February 12, 33 units of technology came out in Orel, the press service of the mayor's office was announced. But already by the mayor of the city of Yuri Parachin, as the "Orlov news" write, signed in impotence and went out on the street with a shovel, offering Orlovtsy instead of climbing complaints, to enter the streets themselves, followed by his example.

"Valker" did the trouble and in Bryansk. In the morning, under the weight of the dropped snow, the roof of the Ice Palace "Peresvet" collapsed, "News Bryansk" reported. Only nobody suffered a miracle, and 30 people were evacuated from the building.

Despite the strengthened work of the road services and public utilities, in general, the whole wounded in the power of the elements. The pedestrian walkways have not formed everywhere and they are very narrow, the bryanzes are tuned. Complaints on the workload of public transport. Personal car owners also experience inconvenience. Machines So and the point is touched and sall in the snowy caress. Roads are expensive - asphalt on them is not visible under the layer of snow, even on the central streets of the city.

Nearby in Central Russia will continue on Saturday, February 13.

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