"Beauty play, but in fact no beauty," actresses who do not go the roles of fatal beauties


Some actresses play fatal beauties, but the fans are sincerely surprised, why did they entrust such images? What is this? Nothing beautiful is not. Who are these Russian actresses who get the images of the first beauties, and they do not match them all right?

Lisa Arzamasov

After the triumphal premiere of "father's daughters", the actress woke up famous. Later they started talking that "the ugly duck turned into a wonderful swan", and this is all about Arzamasovoy. But the audience do not agree with such an opinion, and the role of beauty, in their opinion, Lisa is clearly not suitable. The appearance is not the person, the face did not come out.

Actress Lisa Arzamasov. Photo: Almode.ru.

Ekaterina Vilkova

Another actress, which is not suitable for the role of seductive beauties. Nevertheless, in the series "Hotel Eleon" "she got the role of the fatal beauty, which had many fans of men. Haters are perplexed, how could this happen?

Actress Ekaterina Vilkova. Photo: krot.info.

Ekaterina Spitza

In the "All-List" of this young actress many paintings, where she plays the role of fatal beauty. The audience Catherine Spitz was remembered by the Full-length Film Women's Day, Katya, Metro. Fans Spitza consider Catherine Beauty, while Hayters are confident that she is not worth it for such roles. Face and Charisma did not come out.

Actress Ekaterina Spitz. Photo: Instagram.

Lisa Boyarskaya

It is no secret that the actress has many Heyters who hold in a tone and insist that in the movie Lisa Boyarskaya hit the blat. By the same principle receives the main roles. Recall at least aristocratic beauties in the historical paintings "Admiral", "Anna Karenina". In the beauty of Boyarskaya, many have doubts. Some annoying a rubber smile actresses, others - a strange voice and excessive chemmery on the camera.

Actress Elizabeth Boyarskaya. Photo: Bairnblog.ru.

Nastasya Samburskaya

The actress often plays the fatal beauties. However, the haters do not consider it. Too sly and evil features of the face of Nastasya Samboursk, and the behavior in society and social networks is not always adequate. The actress itself considers himself irresistible, also behaves in public.

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Photo: Obovsyom.com.

Natalie Starynevich

The appearance of Natalie contradictory, but bright. The actress plays melancholic or fatal heroines, for example, like Akseynov's love. That's just unlike a colleague, the external beauty clearly does not shine. But talent does not occupy.

Actress Natalie Starynekevich. Photo: Kino-teatr.ru.

Yana Yenzhaev

The actress appeared in Sparta and Kitchen in Paris, but to call it the lead in Russian cinema does not turn the language. Yana just started his creative way, but has already achieved several roles of fatal beauties. True, its appearance is the image of beauties does not correspond, so the audience did not appreciate.

Actress Jan Yenzhaeva. Photo: Kinopoisk.ru.

Anastasia Evgrafova

The actress was just 30 years old, but it had already repeatedly appealed to plastic surgeons. Anastasia remembered on the roles in the TV series "Kitchen" and the film "The Second Life of Eve", as well as provocative images on social networks.

Actress Anastasia Evgrafova. Photo: ruskino.ru.

Previously, we represented the rating of ugly actresses, which are actively filming in the cinema. Who are these modern drank? It is also interesting to know that some celebrities did not last married and year. Who are these Star Couples? And finally, a few words about Alphonsees that famous women spoke.

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