Oilman-billionaire did not rule out the growth of Bitcoin above $ 1 million


One of the richest Norwegian billionaires Kielel Inge Rekkk does not deny the growth of Bitcoin to million dollars at one scenario

The price of bitcoin can still collapse to zero, but it can also reach millions of dollars. At least this opinion adheres to the Norwegian oilman-billionaire chiell Inge Rekkk.

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In his letter to shareholders of Aker Solutions, the Rekkka announced the establishment of a company called Seteee. The new company, according to the Rekkk, will be engaged in investments in the projects of the Bitcoin ecosystem. As the Rekkk said, he is personally interested in micropaging services that solve the problem of private data monetization.

According to the official site, Seteee has already bought 1170 BTC (~ $ 58 million at the current course) for Hodling.

Oilman-billionaire did not rule out the growth of Bitcoin above $ 1 million 4484_1
Source: Seetee.io.

However, when exactly and at what course there was a purchase of Bitcoin, it remains unknown.

Multimillion growth of Bitcoin

According to the river, Bitcoin "still can fall to zero." However, cryptocurrency also has chances of becoming a "new monetary architecture" core.

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The Norwegian billionaire notes that people who know most of the Bitcoin are confident that the future success of Bitcoin "almost inevitable." As the Rekkk said, Seteee will also engage in mining. However, it remains incomprehensible, whether the speech and mining of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency are.

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In 2018, the Rekkk was considered the richest man in Norway with a state of 20.6 billion Norwegian crowns, which at that time was ~ 2.4 billion. Today, the Rekkk is the largest shareholder of the Aker ASA investment company focused on the oil and gas sector.

The fact that billionaires think about cryptocurrency - read in a special BEINCRYPTO material.

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The POST, the billionaire oilman did not rule out the growth of Bitcoin above $ 1 million appeared first on beincrypto.

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