How to understand how coulely and active in front of you are a man? 5 faithful ways


How to understand how coulely and active in front of you are a man? 5 faithful ways 4476_1

Greetings! Men, many, too, know how to pretend perfectly. And at the beginning of the acquaintance it happens that you will not understand who in front of you is an active macho or modest, calm, but reliable botany? Fortunately, in our days, different clever people have already invented a bunch of ways to us, women to help. Further I will tell about the 5 most effective.

Why is it generally necessary?

This is important, since it increases your chances to get what you want at the moment. And wanted a woman can differently - from a bright, short adventure in one place, before this is the only thing about "lived happily and died on one day." It is clear that for the first you need a macho, for the second - rather calm Main, focused on the family.

How to understand how coulely and active in front of you are a man? 5 faithful ways 4476_2

To understand what is a man, do not look at his nose! Below are more advanced methods!

Here, scientific methods for determining masculinity:

1. Feet - beautiful when they are long and smooth, but "from the face, that is, with the legs, no water to drink" ?. But if the legs are rather short, and not perfectly smooth, it is good, in terms of temperament. This is also somehow connected with testosterone - if it is much in the body, the legs do not grow very long).

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2. The presence of hair on the body is also a sign of an increased level of testosterone. What they are more, the better.

3. Lysina or is generally smooth as an egg, head - oddly enough, an excellent sign! After all, early baldness speaks of an excess of testosterone.

How to understand how coulely and active in front of you are a man? 5 faithful ways 4476_4

4. But the most faithful indicator of masculinity is a trochante index of a man (written through Oh! ?). To calculate it, we divide the growth of a man for the length of his legs (the distance from the feet to the beginning of the hip joint). All in centimeters. In the end, you will get an index that will tell about the constitution of the partner. The strong constitution is the index from 1.99 to 2, the constitution is average 1.92 - 1.98, weak - 1.85-1.91. And if a man resists and does not allow himself to measure, then know - the more the figure of a man looks like a male, the better. Wide shoulders, narrow pelvis, musculature - excellent!

5. More modern scientists bind blood group and masculinity. A man with the 1st group is true hunters, women will seek until they conquer her. But beware - as soon as you give up, he can again go hunting for a new victim! Men with the 2nd group (and women too) appeared when they began to lead a settling lifestyle. They are calmer and faithful. Group 3 was characteristic of nomadic tribes. Anthropologists believe that modern descendants are inclined to jump from a woman to a woman, with their own again with an average temperament. Blood group 4th and people with her appeared quite "recently" - only 2,000 years ago. Men with her - calm, good husbands and fathers, often - even indecisive.

How to understand how coulely and active in front of you are a man? 5 faithful ways 4476_5

In general, almost as a joke is obtained - our courageous and active "handsome" should be lys, with a hairy body, short and curves! Ideal, in general! ?

Here is an article in the topic: "How to increase testosterone? Tips for men."

Well, how do you check in practice?! Well, or all this can be applied to an existing beloved or even a husband, just to confirm or refute the proposed techniques. Tell me, please, in the comments, what kind of index of your man, and that he is with masculby in general, how are you?

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